Zbornik “Work and the Challenges of Belonging” na seznamu izbranih priporočenih knjig
30. 9. 2015 | Človekove pravice in manjšine

Zbornik Work and the Challenges of Belonging: Migrants in Globalizing Economies, ki sta ga uredili Mojca Pajnik in Floya Anthias (2014), je založba Cambridge Scholars uvrstila na seznam izbranih priporočenih knjig, ki pomembno prispevajo k področju preučevanja migracij.
Iz utemeljitve profesorja Jonathana Wintertona:
»This edited collection approaches migration in the wider context of economic globalization and from a perspective that focuses on the lived experience of migrant workers. The strong representation of transition economies in this collection is particularly welcome. In this analysis, migrants’ mental maps serve to redefine geo-political space around the economies of origin and destination. Such contributions greatly enhance understanding of the complexities of migration around the EU and the former Soviet Union. This collection offers an inspirational, transnational, and multi-disciplinary analysis of some of the complexities of migration in the global era, and in so doing sets new directions for further research. Migration in search of work is already at an unprecedented level and affecting every region of the world, and policy responses are largely inadequate to the task of providing adequate protection. Policy makers in international bodies like the ILO and OECD, supra-national regional bodies like the EU and APEC, as well as representatives of governments, employers and trade unions would do well to read this book to better understand the issues they will need to address.«