Nation-States and Xenophobias. In the Ruins of Former Yugoslavia
V knjigi so objavljeni prispevki s seminarja, ki ga je organiziral Mirovni inštitut med 3. in 4. junijem 2005 v Piranu in ki sta ga financirala East East Program: Partnership Beyond Borders (Open Society Institute) in Agencija RS za raziskovalno dejavnost.
Tonči Kuzmanić
An Attempt to Distinguish Nationalist from Volkisch Populist Movements, Practices and Ideologies – The Yugoslav Case
Petar Milat
The State of Exception and the Emergence of Racism: Zoran Đinđić’s Yugoslavia, an Unfinished State
Halima Sofradžija
Xenophobia as Political Fact: Contemplating Xenophobia in a Political Philosophy Framework
Veronika Bajt
Contemporary Slovenia and the “Other”
Slaviša Raković
We Are Not Like Them: Denial of the Other in Serbia, Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina
Sabina Mihelj
The Mass Media and Nationalising States in the Post-Yugoslav Space