Prva številka mednarodne revije “Journal of Alternative and Community Media”
17. 8. 2016 | Človekove pravice in manjšine, Mediji
Izšla je prva številka mednarodne revije Journal of Alternative and Community Media, ki jo izdaja Griffith University ePress. Med člani/cami uredniškega odbora je tudi dr. Mojca Pajnik.
Vabljeni/e k branju!
»The journal aims to highlight and promote the study of alternative and community media and communication, which includes citizens’ media, participatory media, activist and radical media and the broader forms of communication that these groups might undertake. The Journal locates this scholarship within the media and cultural research disciplines.
This field of study continues to grow and demonstrates increasing relevance in the digital age. The Journal recognises the need for strong empirical and theoretical advances which help explain the shifting media environment, and the ways in which people use alternative forms of media and communication. Issues of concern to the journal include but are not limited to the nature and distribution of media power; access to and participation in media; media practices of communities and social movements; diverse objectives, practices and structures within alternative and community media; state support and media regulation; and the possibilities of emerging technologies and new media.«