Knjiga Abortion and Reproductive Rights in Slovenia: A Case of Resistance
7. 11. 2023 | Spol

Pri založbi Routledge je izšla knjiga Abortion and Reproductive Rights in Slovenia: A Case of Resistance, ki jo sopodpisujejo Ana Kralj, Tanja Rener, Vesna Leskošek, Metka Mencin, Mirjana Ule in Slavko Kurdija.
Mojca Pajnik je o knjigi zapisala:
“This is a much needed book in light of the coercion by populist-authoritarian politics, religious institutions and conservative groups who aim at regaining control over reproductive rights all over the world. It is refreshing to read a book that moves beyond the analysis of conservative reversals to foreground rebel against the reinstating of classical patriarchal family order. Analyzing the struggles in Slovenia, the authors show how these succeeded in obtaining access to safe and legal abortion, stimulating us to consider the options we have for the present and the future. This is a must read for anyone wanting to learn about why and how sexual and reproductive rights must constantly be defended”.