Trans-thematic Action: Contemporary Feminist Mobilizations in Slovenia
21. 3. 2025 | Gender

The book Feminist Movements in Time and Space: A European Perspective (ed. Giada Bonu Rosenkranz, Donatella della Porta), recently published by Palgrave Macmillan, includes a chapter by Leja Markelj and Mojca Pajnik on the trans-thematic action of contemporary feminist mobilisations in Slovenia. Through a literature review, the authors analyse the historical evolution of the feminist movement and identify how the movement has shifted both in discursive approaches and organizational structures, moving from centralized structures to diverse, decentralized mobilizations addressing gender-based violence, reproductive rights, LGBTQ+ rights, and migration. The chapter highlights the movement’s focus on trans-thematic action, linking gender issues with broader socio-political concerns such as anti-capitalism, anti-authoritarianism, and anti-racism. The chapter presents different organisational models and strategies of feminist activism, including grassroots mobilisations, political engagement, solidarity and cross-sectoral alliances that address both historical and contemporary social challenges.
The book offers a systematic analysis of feminism in Europe from a cross-national (Denmark, France, Greece, Italy, Poland, Slovenia, Spain and Turkey) and temporal perspective (2010-2021). The authors highlight different constellations of feminist movements as related to specific national political opportunities.