How do the media and politics co-create hate speech? New research reveals worrying trends
Both articles, written by Veronika bajt and Alda Šulc, represent an important contribution to understanding how hate speech is shaped, spread and how it can be curbed.
10/1/2025National Report on Anti-LGBTIQ+ Hate Crime in Slovenia Released
The report underscores the importance of recognizing and addressing all forms of anti-LGBTIQ+ harm to better support affected communities.
23/12/2024The Human Rights Guide has received the Erasmus+ Quality Award “Spārni 2024”
The Baltic Human Rights Society was honored with this prestigious award for the project in which the Peace Institute also participates as a partner.
15/10/2024Study visit to Paris
In Paris, which has adopted an Action Plan to fight racism and is also a member of the European Coalition of Cities Against Racism (ECCAR), we saw good practices...
18/3/2024Rule of Law Report 2024
The fifth edition of the report identifies the most obvious violations of freedoms, democracy and human rights in the European Union in 2023.
4/1/2024Contributions to a research internship
Solène Savarit, who has completed a 3-month traineeship (September-November 2023) at the Peace Institute in the field of migration, climate change and human rights, has prepared three scientific papers....
FULL-PROOF – Ensuring the due course of criminal proceedings by strengthening respect for the procedural rights of suspects and the accused
The project focuses on the rights outlined in Directive 2012/13/EU, Directive 2013/48/EU, and Directive 2016/1919/EU.
The Integration of Immigrants into the Social Security System in Slovenia: Analysis of Statistical Indicators, Policies, Public Opinion, and Media Reporting
The project addresses immigrant integration, welfare state policies, and media reporting, while also positioning itself within the concepts of nationalism and social inclusion/exclusion.
Empowering Migrant Voices for Local Integration and Inclusion – EMV-LII
Supporting the development and implementation of local integration strategies by increasing migrants’ and diaspora organisations’ participation for more effective inclusion at the local and regional levels.
Enhancing the capacity of civil society organisations to support victims of anti-LGBTQI hate crimes (ENACT)
The purpose of the project is to support civil society organizations in establishing cooperation with public institutions to improve support for LGBTIQ victims of hate crimes and in the...
EU Charter of Fundamental rights: Awareness raising and Instruments to promote a culture of Rights (FAIR)
Responding to the call of the European Commission from 2020 to develop initiatives to promote awareness of people about their rights and where to turn when their rights are...
Motivations, experiences and consequences of returns and readmissions policy: revealing and developing effective alternatives (MORE)
The project will examine when and why alternative approaches are or have been implemented and why they have not become the main response to cases of administrative irregularities among...
Chapter / Why is Hate Speech a Problem?
Veronika Bajt has a contributed in the academic monograph Compassionate Language among Youth: Linking Government, Science, Profession and Civil Society in the Search for Responses to Hate Speech, just...
Article / Media Creation of Anti-refugee Hate Speech in Facebook Comments
A new study presented in the journal the Public provides an in-depth analysis of anti-refugee hate speech in Facebook comments.
National Report on Anti-LGBTIQ+ Hate Crime in Slovenia Released
The report underscores the importance of recognizing and addressing all forms of anti-LGBTIQ+ harm to better support affected communities.
Report / Building Responsible Action for Inclusive Local Communities, National report – Slovenia
The purpose of this national report is to offer basic knowledge for further activities and comprehensive information about problems in the field of racism, xenophobia and intolerance in Ljubljana,...
Book / Ethnic Discrimination: Strategies of Research and Measurement
The book presents in detail and critically evaluates different ways of “measuring” ethnic discrimination, breaking new ground in the field of empirical data collection on unequal treatment as well...
Article / Legislative and Judicial Responses to the “Refugee Crisis” in Slovenia and Austria: A Comparative Perspective
In the last issue of the journal ‘Dve domovini/Two Homelands’, Neža Kogovšek Šalamon compares the key normative approaches to responses to the 2015–2016 “refugee crisis” in Slovenia and Austria.
Thematic fields
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