Summer school Political Economies of Media
2. 10. 2023 | Media

Summer school Political Economies of Media took place from 11th to 15th of September at the Inter-University Centre (IUC) in Dubrovnik. Through lectures and discussions with international experts, PhD students gained in-depth knowledge on the latest developments in the fields of communication, media and journalism from a critical political economy perspective. Methods and analytical tools commonly used in this approach were explained and discussed. Tjaša Turnšek presented the main points of her doctoral proposal entitled Transformations of Media Ownership Structures and Media Governance in the Context of Political Changes: Slovenian Media Networks between 1990 and 2022. The focus of the dissertation represents media ownership, which she discusses in the context of political parallelism, the links between media organisations and political tendencies. Media ownership and media pluralism are analysed primarily by taking into account the literature in the field of media systems analysis, where the main research question of the dissertation is focused on how the media networks are transformed in the context of political changes, i.e. the changes of Slovenian governments between 1990 and 2022.
More information about the Summer school can be found here.