‘States must recognise the vulnerability of defendants and detainees with intellectual and/or psychosocial disabilities’ – Regional Consultative Workshop of the JUSTICE FOR ALL Project held in Vienna
13. 6. 2023 | Human Rights and Minorities

On 12 and 13 June 2023, the regional consultation workshop of the Justice for All project took place in Vienna.
The project addresses the challenges faced by defendants, detainees and prisoners with intellectual and/or psychosocial disabilities in cross-border cases: European Arrest Warrant proceedings, transfers of convicted persons between EU countries, procedures with supervision measures and the enforcement of probation and alternative sanctions. We also address domestic systemic issues that may have an impact on cross-border cooperation in practice.
The consultation workshop was aimed at stakeholders from all EU Member States and offered information on international standards, case law and practices relevant to defendants and detainees with intellectual and psychosocial disabilities; and insights into the barriers faced by defendants and detainees with intellectual and psychosocial disabilities in EU cross-border proceedings and other domestic criminal justice systems in the EU.
Particularly valuable was the exchange on open issues, promising practices and strategies to promote the rights of persons with intellectual and psychosocial disabilities. It led to recommendations for Member States on how to ensure respect for the rights of these persons during criminal proceedings, during deprivation of liberty and in probation settings.