Veronika Bajt, PhD
The complex phenomena of nationalism and racism necessitate, alongside their historical, socio-economic and geopolitical characteristics, analysing also their intertwining and interdependence in the present.
– Veronika Bajt on contemporary nationalism and racism
Veronika Bajt was awarded her Doctor of Philosophy research degree by the University of Bristol (UK) in 2003. She graduated in sociology at the University of Ljubljana in 1998, and has a Master of Arts degree from the Central European University (CEU), Warsaw, Poland. She spent a year lecturing at Masaryk University in Brno (CZ) on a postdoctoral scholarship (2005-2006), and was a lecturer at International University Institute for European Studies (IUIES) in Gorizia (Italy). She has been a researcher at the Peace Institute since 2006, and is working on several international projects.
Featured project
Hate speech in contemporary conceptualizations of nationalism, racism, gender and migration
Project aim is to contribute to a clearer conceptualization of hate speech: who, how and why generates hate speech and what is the role of political elites and of...
- The Integration of Immigrants into the Social Security System in Slovenia: Analysis of Statistical Indicators, Policies, Public Opinion, and Media Reporting
- JUSTMIG: Sustainable and Socially Just Transnational Sectoral Labour Markets: Industrial Relations and Labour Market Adjustment to the Rise in Temporary Labour Migration
- Motivations, experiences and consequences of returns and readmissions policy: revealing and developing effective alternatives (MORE)
- Analysis of online hate speech and disinformation in Slovenia and development of a proposal for action
- SERENY – Strengthening approaches for the prevention of youth radicalisation in prison and probation settings
- Research network FRANET
- City for Everybody – Building Responsible Action for Inclusive Local Communities (CIFER)
- Hate speech in contemporary conceptualizations of nationalism, racism, gender and migration
- Transnationalisation of eldercare – diversities, recruitments, inequalities (TE-DRI)
- MIPEX – The Migrant Integration Policy Index
- Voices of immigrant women
- Occupational risks in sex work at the intersections of policy framework and social stigma (ORIS)
- ARVID – Advancing Access to Rights under Victims’ Directive for Persons with Disabilities
- Equality and human rights in times of global governance
- Migrant Children and Communities in a Transforming Europe (MICREATE)
- Reducing and eliminating discrimination based on ethnicity, ‘race’, nationality and/or religion
- VICATIS – Victim-centered Approach to Improving Support Services
- Hate speech on online social networks in Slovenia
- Resources, methods and tools for the understanding, identification and classification of various forms of socially unacceptable discourse in the information society
- MIGRASCOPE – Extending the Scope of Labour Market Integration of Immigrants
- GEAR: Global Education and Active Response for the Protection of Human Rights, Inclusion and Democratic Values in Intercultural Societies
- Crimmigration between Human Rights and Surveillance
- Workshops on hate speech and migrations
- eMORE: MOnitoring and REporting online hate speech in Europe
- National Integration Evaluation Mechanism (NIEM). Measuring and improving integration of beneficiaries of international protection
- Mediatisation of Public Life: Controversies in the Sphere of Politics and Everyday Life
- Responding to Hate Speech – Activation of an Independent Conjunctive Body (ACT)
- Care Work Between Individualization, Globalization and Socialization
- MIPEX – Migrant Integration Policy Index
- CEINAV – Cultural Encounters in Interventions Against Violence (Violence, Inequality, and Human Rights)
- Digital Citizenship (DIG-CIT)
- Collection of Methods, Tools and Good Practices in the Field of Women and the Media
- LIGHT ON – Cross-community actions for combating the modern symbolism and languages of racism and discrimination
- Mapping of Stateless Persons in Slovenia
- EWSI – European Web Site on Integration
- Cross-Border Experience: The Interfaces of the EU and the SEE Countries Enhancing a Successful Enlargement Process
- INTEGRACE – Integrating Refugee and Asylum-seeking Children in the Educational Systems of EU Member States: Evaluation and Promotion of Current Best Practices
- Mig@net: Transnational Digital Networks, Migration and Gender
- The Role of Non-Governmental Organisations and Volunteers in Protection of Children’s Rights and Human Rights
- Changing Social Organization of Care and its Implications for Social Politics
- PRIMTS – Prospects for Integration of Migrants from »Third Countries« and their Labour Market Situations: Towards Policies and Action
- The Erased People of Slovenia – A Challenge of a Young Nation-State
- Roma People in Ljubljana: Diversity of Perspectives
- FEMIPOL – Integration of Female Immigrants in Labour Market and Society
- Effects of Discrimination on Societal, Political and Social Inclusion of Young People in Slovenia: An Analysis on the Basis of Gender, Sexual Orientation and Ethnicity
- FeMiPol: Integration of Female Immigrants in Labour Market and Society: Policy Assessment and Policy Recommendations
- Analysis and Promotion of Policy Debate on the European Future of Turkey and Ukraine in Four Central European States
Featured publication
Chapter / Why is Hate Speech a Problem?
Veronika Bajt has a contributed in the academic monograph Compassionate Language among Youth: Linking Government, Science, Profession and Civil Society in the Search for Responses to Hate Speech, just...
- Chapter / Why is Hate Speech a Problem?
- Article / Media Creation of Anti-refugee Hate Speech in Facebook Comments
- Report / Building Responsible Action for Inclusive Local Communities, National report – Slovenia
- Book / Ethnic Discrimination: Strategies of Research and Measurement
- Article Whose children? The EU and Member States’ integration policies in education
- Article Empowerment through Migration: Narratives of Successful Migrant Women’s Integration in Slovenia
- Third National Report on Slovenia’s implementation of different areas of integration policy for beneficiaries of international protection
- Article The Virus of Fear: Nationalism and Pandemic Society
- Chapter What Are the Problems? Reception Communities in the EU Environment
- Article A paradigm shift framed by a crisis: recent debates on immigration and integration in six EU countries
- Report on the evaluation of the integration of beneficiaries of international protection, Slovenia 2016
- Criminalization of migration, Thematic cluster in Dve domovini / Two Homelands
- The Disaster of European Refugee Policy. Perspectives from the “Balkan Route”
- Razor-Wired. Reflections on Migrant Movements through Slovenia in 2015
- Razor-Wired. Reflections on Migrant Movements through Slovenia in 2015
- Racism: A Divided World, thematic issue of the ČKZ
- The Scars of the Erasure