Mojca Pajnik, PhD
The reasons for the expansion of anti-political and anti-media sentiment can be explained by the reflection of “post-democracy”, the current situation in which democratic structures are becoming more and more empty, when classic party politics is transformed into a spectacle, and when the argumentative debate leading to rational decisions on matters of public relevance is replaced with one-line tweets.
– Mojca Pajnik, Mladina
Mojca Pajnik earned her PhD from communications at the University of Ljubljana in 2005. She is scientific counsellor at the Peace Institute and professor at the Faculty of Social Sciences (FSS), University of Ljubljana where she lectures at the study programs on communications and media.
She has authored more than 100 scientific articles and book chapters from the fields of media and political theory, populism, citizenship, gender (in)equality and migration regimes. Her books include Media and Gender (ed. with B. Luthar, FSS, 2019), Populism and the Web: Communicative Practices of Parties and Movements in Europe (ed. with B. Sauer, Routledge, 2017) and Contesting Integration, Engendering Migration (ed. with F. Anthias, Palgrave, 2014).
She is active as editorial board member of Global Media and Communication, Migration and Ethnic Themes and Journal of Alternative and Community Media. She has been a guest lecturer and researcher at the University of Florence, Vienna, Helsinki, Bielefeld, the Central European University in Budapest, Loughborough University, Inter-University Center in Dubrovnik and the Institut für Sozialforschung in Frankfurt.
She was awarded for scientific excellency by the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana (2014) and by the Slovenian Research Agency (2021).
Featured project
Affective Media: Transformations of Public Communication
The study examines the “affective turn” in the media which has marked a series of changes, ranging from the digitalisation of newsrooms and new forms of employment to the...
- Democratization at stake? Comparing Anti-Gender Politics in CEE and NME countries
- Gender, democracy and neoconservative anti-gender movement
- Data Matters: Sociotechnical Challenges of European Migration and Border Control (DATAMIG)
- Affective Media: Transformations of Public Communication
- Research network FRANET
- Mapping Media for Future Democracies
- FIERCE – Feminist movements revitalizing democracy in Europe
- Enacting Citizenship and Solidarity in Europe “From Below”: Local Initiatives, Intersectional Strategies and Transnational Networks [ECSEuro]
- Citizenship and discrimination: intersectional approach to research social exclusion
- Voices of immigrant women
- Occupational risks in sex work at the intersections of policy framework and social stigma (ORIS)
- Equality and human rights in times of global governance
- Political and Media Populism: “Refugee crisis” in Slovenia and Austria
- Workshops on hate speech, media and migration
- Comparing Croatian and Slovenian Prostitution Regimes
- MEET, Media Education for Equity and Tolerance
- Crimmigration between Human Rights and Surveillance
- eMORE: MOnitoring and REporting online hate speech in Europe
- Gender differentiation in media industry
- Communication Practices in the Context of Social Uprising and Requests for Public Accountability
- Mediatisation of Public Life: Controversies in the Sphere of Politics and Everyday Life
- Digital Citizenship (DIG-CIT)
- Hate Speech and Populist Othering in Europe Through the Racism, Age, Gender Looking Glass – RAGE
- LIGHT ON – Cross-community actions for combating the modern symbolism and languages of racism and discrimination
- E-Engagement Against Violence
- The Power of Alternative Media: Experiences from South-Eastern Europe
- Integration of Migrants in Finland and Slovenia: Comparing Northern and Southern Models of Migration Management
- Mig@net: Transnational Digital Networks, Migration and Gender
- The Role of Non-Governmental Organisations and Volunteers in Protection of Children’s Rights and Human Rights
- PRIMTS – Prospects for Integration of Migrants from »Third Countries« and their Labour Market Situations: Towards Policies and Action
- Migrant labour: Contested integration, prospects for citizenship
- Informal Reproductive Work: Trends in Slovenia and EU
- Establishment and Monitoring of Internationally Comparable Indicators on Trafficking in Human Beings
- Active Citizenship: Towards Politics of Equality (Postdoctoral Research Project)
- FEMIPOL – Integration of Female Immigrants in Labour Market and Society
- Politics and Power in Times of Terror: Thinking with Hannah Arendt
- IOM – The Demand Side of Sex: Perspectives on Trafficking and Prostitution (The Case of Slovenia)
- FeMiPol: Integration of Female Immigrants in Labour Market and Society: Policy Assessment and Policy Recommendations
- Gendered Migration, Sex Work and Exploitation: Trafficking in Women and Prostitution
- Alternative Media and New Public Settings
- Nations – States and Xenophobias: In the Ruins of ex-Yugoslavia
- Nation-State and Xenophobia
- The Inclusion of the ‘New’ Immigrants on the Basis of Ethic of Care
- Immigrants, Who are You?
- The Slovene Model of Migration Policy: Perspectives and Potentials for a Country on the Schengen Periphery
- Strengthening Non-Governmental Social Security Services
Featured publication
Structural Masculinism and Women’s Media Ownership in the Context of Authoritarian Populism
An article co-authored by Marlene Radl, Burçe Çelik, Mojca Pajnik & Birgit Sauer on structural masculinism and women's media ownership in the context of authoritarian populism has been published...
- Structural Masculinism and Women’s Media Ownership in the Context of Authoritarian Populism
- Enhancing the hybrid media system model: The role of critical theory in media and communication research
- Article / Sex work online: professionalism between affordances and constraints
- Article / Borderless fear? How right-wing populism aligns in affectively framing migration as a security threat in Austria and Slovenia
- Article / Professionalizing Emotions as Reflective Engagement in Emerging Forms of Journalism
- Chapter / Transformations of the Media Sphere: Amplifying Opportunity Structures for Populism
- Article / Theorizing and mapping media ownership networks in authoritarian-populist contexts: a comparative analysis of Austria, Hungary, Slovenia, and Turkey
- Article / Aligning populist worldviews of citizens to media preferences: peculiarities of an illiberal political context
- Article / The Transversal Political Logic of Populism: Framing the ‘Refugee Crisis’ in Slovenian Parliamentary Debates
- Article Intersectional representation in online media discourse: reflecting anti-discrimination position in reporting on same-sex partnerships
- Intersectionality: Perspectives on Structural, Political and Representational Inequality
- Article The Intertwining of the Covid-19 Pandemic with Democracy Backlash: Making Sense of Journalism in Crisis
- Article Media Populism and Affective Journalism: Newspaper Commentary on the Refugee Crisis
- Review of existing survey data on migration and populism in Austria and Slovenia
- Chapter on ethno-national populism in the Slovenian context
- Article The Shape of Feminism to Come: The Networked Politics of Feminist and LGBT Movements in Slovenia
- Collection of scientific papers ‘Social Inequality and Politics’
- Reflection on the future of public media
- Organisational Patterns of Sex Work and the Effects of the Policy Framework
- Engendering media work: Institutionalizing the norms of entrepreneurial subjectivity
- The Chapter Populist Mobilizations and Re-Traditionalized Society: Anti-Gender Campaigning in Slovenia
- Sensitizing the concept of mediatization for the study of social movements, Article in Communications
- Media and Gender: Structures and Practices of Inequality
- Article Policies on Citizenship, Media and Intercultural Education: A Comparative Perspective of European States
- Criminalization of migration, Thematic cluster in Dve domovini / Two Homelands
- Gender differentiation in the media industry, thematic cluster in Theory and practice
- The Disaster of European Refugee Policy. Perspectives from the “Balkan Route”
- Atricle Negotiating professional identities: male sex workers in Slovenia and the impact of online technologies
- Assessing Prostitution Policies in Europe, Chapter on Slovenia
- Violent Borders: Refugees and the Right to Movement, foreword
- Prostitution in Croatia and Slovenia: Sex Workers’ Experiences
- Populism and the Web: Communicative Practices of Parties and Movements in Europe
- Media-Political Parallelism: Legitimization of Migration Policy in Editorials in the Daily Newspaper “Delo”, article in the journal Dve domovini – Two Homelands
- Articles about Populism in Historical Perspectives
- Article Nationalizing Citizenship: The Case of Unrecognized Ethnic Minorities in Slovenia
- Uprising movements, thematic cluster in Družboslovne razprave
- Citizens and digital culture, thematic cluster in Annales
- Article ‘Wasted Precariat’: Migrant Work in European Societies
- Article Populism in Slovenian Context between Ethno-nationalism and Re-traditionalization
- Aricles on Populism, Media and Education
- Racism: A Divided World, thematic issue of the ČKZ
- Work and the Challenges of Belonging: Migrants in Globalizing Economies
- Contesting Integration, Engendering Migration Theory and Practice
- Precarious Migrant Labour Across Europe
- Alternative Media and the Politics of Resistance. Perspectives and Challenges
- Prostitution And Human Trafficking. Gender, Labor And Migration Aspects
- Nation-States and Xenophobias. In The Ruins of Former Yugoslavia
- Where in the Puzzle: Trafficking from, to and Through Slovenia (Assessment Study)
- Migration – Globalization – European Union
- Xenophobia And Post-Socialism
- Immigrants, Who are You? Research on Immigrants in Slovenia