Majda Hrženjak, PhD


Neoliberalism sees economic growth and technological innovations as the only means of social progress. It overlooks that in last century important social innovations were inspired by civil society movements for equality like feminism, antiracism, fight for human rights, movements for the rights of gays and lesbians and people with disabilities.
– Majda Hrženjak on the progressiveness of equality

Majda Hrženjak, Ph.D., a sociologist is acting as a researcher and a project leader at the Peace Institute – Institute for Contemporary Social and Political Studies, Slovenia. Her research topics are gender studies and social politics with a focus on the concept of care in relation to intersectional inequalities, citizenship, migration, and the feminist ethic of care. She is also a member of many international research and activist projects in the area of youth, violence, the labour market, and politics of equality. Among others, her bibliography includes monographs Invisible work (2007); Politics of Care (ed.) (2011); Changing Fatherhood: Men between Work and Parenthood (ed.) (2016); Dimensions of Care Work (2018) as well as many book chapters and scientific articles in national and international journals. She edited the thematic issue Paid Domestic Work in Postsocialist Contexts (Laboratorium, 2016) and the thematic issue First Gender: Critical Studies of Men and Masculinities (Journal for the Critique of Science, Imagination, and New Anthropology, 2017).


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