Maja Breznik, PhD


Maja Breznik is a researcher at the Peace Institute in Ljubljana. She received her PhD in Sociology from the Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, in 2002. She gained further education in the USA in 1994 (Institute of International Education/Arts International, New York) and in France in 1998 (École des hautes études en sciences sociales, Paris). From 2003 to 2005, she was a research fellow at the University of Padua, Italy. Most of her academic career was carried out at the Peace Institute and as a private researcher with brief interruptions at the Faculty of Arts from 2007-2009, at the Faculty of Social Sciences from 2010-2011 and as a research expert at the trade union confederation Pergam from 2013-2014. Since 2015, she is the National Correspondent of the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (EUROFOUND) in Dublin. In the past, she has worked on cultural history, cultural and urban politics, publishing and reading cultures. For the last ten years, her main research area have been the changing working conditions in the global economic restructuring and the spread of atypical (and informal) employment. She published the following books: Obrt in učenost [Craftsmanship and Erudition] (2003), Cultural Revisionism (2004), Culture Ltd (2005), Knjižna kultura [The Book Culture] (2005), Kultura danajskih darov [The Culture of Danaian Gifts] (2009), Posebni skepticizem v umetnosti [Special Scepticism in the Arts] (2011), Zaposleni revni [Labouring Poor] (2013, co-author), Za napisom ‘Nezaposlenim vstop prepovedan’ (Behind the Notice ‘No Admittance Except on Business’, 2014), Javni dolg: kdo komu dolguje (Public Debt: Who Owes Whom?, 2015, co-editor), Verige globalnega kapitalizma (Chains of Global Capitalism, 2019, co-editor), and Mezdno delo: Kritika teorij prekarnosti [Wage Work: A Critique of Precarity Theories] (2021).


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