Women in Parliamentary Politics: Hungarian and Slovene Cases Compared

Women in Parliamentray Politics: Hungarian and Slovene Cases Compared

The book represents the outcome of an international project Women in Parliaments: Slovenia and Hungary that was taking place between the years 2001 and 2003. It is an initiative of the East East Cooperation Center of the Peace Institute that was financially supported by the East East Program, Open Society Institute.

Chris Corrin

Gabriella Ilonszki and Milica G. Antić
Theoretical and Research Problems

Milica G. Antić and Gabriella Ilonszki
Comparative Introduction

Gabriella Ilonszki
At a Turning Point: Female MPs in Hungary 1998-2002

Milica G. Antić
Women in the Slovenian Parliament: Below Critical Mass

Gabriella Ilonszki and Milica G. Antić
National vs. Gender Differences
