Where in the Puzzle: Trafficking from, to and Through Slovenia (Assessment Study)
“In Where in the Puzzle: Trafficking From, To and Through Slovenia the authors issue a call for a change in migration policy (Zavratnik Zimic et al. 2003), with the argument that it would also influence trafficking in women for the purposes of sexual exploitation. Initiatives for the integration of women who are staying in Slovenia are needed, and there should exist initiatives for reintegration. Both studies criticise the fact that the issue of trafficking in Slovenia is portrayed in purely economic terms. Moreover, the victims of trafficking are perceived as criminals because they are involved in the sex industry – and not as victims, who are forced into illegal activities, or as migrants transgressing state borders.”
(Integration of new female migrants in Slovenian labor market and society and policies affecting integration: State of the Art (Project FeMiPol) , by Luka Hrovat, Marta Gregorčič and Veronika Bajt, 2007)
International Organization for Migration, Ljubljana and Mirovni inštitut.
Publisher: International Organization for Migration, Ljubljana