Book / Transformations of Fatherhood: Men between Parenthood and Work
The monograph Transformations of Fatherhood: Men between Parenthood and Work is a result of the project Fathers and Employers in Action – ODA. The monograph focuses on problematic relations between contemporary labour market and fatherhood. Today men are experiencing contrasting expectations, on one hand to be caring and involved fathers in family life, while on the other hand to be ideal workers unburdened with care and family obligations, constantly available to employers, which is particularly characteristic of masculinized sectors and precarious work. The monograph highlights the increasing precarization of work and marginalization of care work, along with the increasing inequalities rising from different positions in paid and unpaid work.
Majda Hrženjak (Peace Institute)
Živa Humer (Peace Institute)
Mojca Frelih (Peace Institute)
Iztok Šori (Peace Institute)
Aleksandra Kanjuo Mrčela (Faculty of Social Sciences)
Janez Štebe (Faculty of Social Sciences)
Janja Vuga Beršnak (Faculty of Social Sciences)
Andreja Poje (The Association of Free Trade Unions of Slovenia)
Irena Štamfelj (The Association of Free Trade Unions of Slovenia)
Edited by Majda Hrženjak.