The Heart of the Matter: The Contribution of the Ethic of Care to Social Policy in Some New EU Member States
The book represents the outcome of an international workshop The Use of the Ethics of Care in Social Policy, organized by the East East Cooperation Center at the Peace Institute, in cooperation with Selma Sevenhuijsen, an expert in the field and the author of Trace, method for document analysis from care perspective. The book includes an introductory paper on Trace as a tool of analysis that is in the other five papers applied to different aspects of social policy, e.g. family policy, equal opportunities policy in some new EU member states (Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, and Slovenia).
Selma Sevenhuijsen and Alenka Švab
Introduction: Tracing Care in Social PoliciesSelma Sevenhuijsen
Trace: A Method for Normative Policy Analysis from the Ethic of Care
Introduction: Tracing Care in Social PoliciesSelma Sevenhuijsen
Trace: A Method for Normative Policy Analysis from the Ethic of Care
Alenka Švab
Caring About Family and Work: The Concept of Reconciliation of Family and Work in Slovenian Family Policy
Aniko Vida
Care in Hungarian Human Resources Policy
Kadri Simm
The Contested Site of Human Nature: Applying Trace to the Strategic Action Plan of the Estonian Ministry of Social Affairs, 2000-2010
Mariana Szapuova, Katarina Pafkova, and Zuzana Kiczkova
The Concept of Equal Opportunities for Women and Men, or How to Care for Equal Opportunities
Živa Humer
Tracing the Act on Equal Opportunities for Women and Men – The Case of Slovenia