Featured publications
Article / Authoritarian populism and structural limitations on journalism in selected European countries
2024 | Other publishers
A comparative article on the structural limitations of authoritarian populism on journalistic practices in Eastern and Central Europe.
Vlasta Jalušič (ed.)
Book / What Kind of Government? Rethinking Contemporary Forms of Government after the Break in Tradition
2024 | Other publishers
Springer has published the book What kind of government? Rethinking Contemporary Forms of Government after the Break in Tradition, edited by Vlasta Jalušič and Wolfgang Heuer.
Birgit Sauer, Daniel Thiele, Iztok Šori et al.
Article / Borderless fear? How right-wing populism aligns in affectively framing migration as a security threat in Austria and Slovenia
2024 | Other publishers
The findings point to a worrying convergence of anti-migration discourse across borders and to the potential spread of a right-wing populist bloc unified by fear of migration.
Book / Ethnic Discrimination: Strategies of Research and Measurement
2023 | Other publications
The book presents in detail and critically evaluates different ways of “measuring” ethnic discrimination, breaking new ground in the field of empirical data collection on unequal treatment as well...
Article / Legislative and Judicial Responses to the “Refugee Crisis” in Slovenia and Austria: A Comparative Perspective
2023 | Other publishers
In the last issue of the journal ‘Dve domovini/Two Homelands’, Neža Kogovšek Šalamon compares the key normative approaches to responses to the 2015–2016 “refugee crisis” in Slovenia and Austria.
Mojca Pajnik, Rok Smrdelj (FA, UL)
Article Intersectional representation in online media discourse: reflecting anti-discrimination position in reporting on same-sex partnerships
2022 | Other publishers
Taking the example of online media reporting on same-sex partnerships in Slovenia, the authors analyze how power relations are reinforced when one type of media discourse fails to acknowledge...
Review of existing survey data on migration and populism in Austria and Slovenia
Researchers working on the international research project Political and Media Populism: “Refugee Crisis” in Slovenia and Austria (POPMED) who analyze populism at the intersection of migration studies published a...
Handbook for NGOs: Digital Data Security Protocol
The purpose of the handbook is to strengthen digital security and communication security at the organizational level of non-governmental organizations,
Chapter on ethno-national populism in the Slovenian context
The book »Populistički duhovi vremena i izazovi demokraciji. Studije o populizmima« (Populist Spirits of the Times and Challenges to Democracy. Studies on Populism) represents the first book on the...
Migration during the covid-19 pandemic: The limits of mobility and social inequality
Sanja Cukut Krilić, Simona Zavratnik
The article discusses the connection between the Covid-19 pandemic, migration and exclusion from a safe place of residence.
#stayhome: Migration, refugees and covid-19
Sanja Cukut Krilić, Simona Zavratnik (eds.)
Reflections on migration and social marginalization in the era of Covid-19.
Handbook for non-governmental organizations: Through effective communication to greater visibility
The handbook offers practical knowledge and the use of communication tools for work in the field of everyday communication with different publics.
Chapter What Are the Problems? Reception Communities in the EU Environment
In the chapter What Are the Problems? Reception Communities in the EU Environment Vlasta Jalušič and Veronika Bajt focus on EU integration policies.
Article Workers’ Struggles in Post-Socialist Slovenia: Between Trade Union Strategies and Worker Stratification in the Workplace
The article examines the links between the evolution of the relationships of both labour/capital and trade unions/membership in post-socialist Slovenia
Comparative Overview on Hate Narratives in the Western Balkans and Turkey
The collection includes a regional overview of findings.
Totalitarianism, History of the debate
The book Totalitarianism, The History of the Debate by Enzo Travers was published by Založba Sophia. The book was translated by Maja Breznik, and together with Rastek Močnik, they...