Featured publications
Article / Authoritarian populism and structural limitations on journalism in selected European countries
2024 | Other publishers
A comparative article on the structural limitations of authoritarian populism on journalistic practices in Eastern and Central Europe.
Vlasta Jalušič (ed.)
Book / What Kind of Government? Rethinking Contemporary Forms of Government after the Break in Tradition
2024 | Other publishers
Springer has published the book What kind of government? Rethinking Contemporary Forms of Government after the Break in Tradition, edited by Vlasta Jalušič and Wolfgang Heuer.
Birgit Sauer, Daniel Thiele, Iztok Šori et al.
Article / Borderless fear? How right-wing populism aligns in affectively framing migration as a security threat in Austria and Slovenia
2024 | Other publishers
The findings point to a worrying convergence of anti-migration discourse across borders and to the potential spread of a right-wing populist bloc unified by fear of migration.
Book / Ethnic Discrimination: Strategies of Research and Measurement
2023 | Other publications
The book presents in detail and critically evaluates different ways of “measuring” ethnic discrimination, breaking new ground in the field of empirical data collection on unequal treatment as well...
Article / Legislative and Judicial Responses to the “Refugee Crisis” in Slovenia and Austria: A Comparative Perspective
2023 | Other publishers
In the last issue of the journal ‘Dve domovini/Two Homelands’, Neža Kogovšek Šalamon compares the key normative approaches to responses to the 2015–2016 “refugee crisis” in Slovenia and Austria.
Mojca Pajnik, Rok Smrdelj (FA, UL)
Article Intersectional representation in online media discourse: reflecting anti-discrimination position in reporting on same-sex partnerships
2022 | Other publishers
Taking the example of online media reporting on same-sex partnerships in Slovenia, the authors analyze how power relations are reinforced when one type of media discourse fails to acknowledge...
Changes in the Role of NGOs
Majda Hrženjak, Vesna Leskošek
To stimulate changes in the nature and organization of the social care provided by the government and non-governmental providers.
Stability Pact. Slovenia – NGO’s (evaluation study)
The stability pact for South-Eastern Europe in the discourse on European integration
NATO – Pro et Contra: A Citizen’s Manual
Gorazd Kovačič, Marta Gregorčič, Nina Fabjančič et al.
The first and the only publication in Slovenia of its kind that brings an integral presentation of both pro and contra arguments concerning Slovenia’s accession to NATO.
Human Rights Documents With Introductory Notes
The motive behind this publication was our wish to offer assistance to all those who address various human rights issues as part of their work or study.
New Watchdogs
The book is an »exemplary study of the influence on the media exerted by ownership and capital.«
The Police, the Media, UZI and WTC. Antiglobalism and Terrorism
This is an analysis of the relationship between anti-globalism and terrorism.
Women in Parliamentray Politics: Hungarian and Slovene Cases Compared
Gabriella Ilonszki, Milica G. Antić
The book represents the outcome of an international project Women in Parliaments: Slovenia and Hungary.
Scenarios for Institutional Reform in the EU. Before and After the Nice Summit
The work deals with the formal equality of EU countries in the past, at present and at eventual (ie almost certain) enlargement.
The European Gate-Keepers. Migration and Asylum Policies in Eastern Europe
Aldo Milohnić (ed.)
A selection of articles about migration politics in the European Union and several Eastern European countries that form part of the so-called Schengen periphery.
Freedom of Non-Accountability. Self – Regulation in the Media in Slovenia
Transformation of the protection of professional standards into the protection of consumer rights.