Intolerance Monitor Report 03
In third Intolerance Monitor Report we treat the issue of intolerance in Slovene public discourse. The examples, which are far from being isolated cases, are obvious. So far, each yearly edition of the Intolerance Monitor Report has focused on one “story of intolerance”. This can be seen both in the previous two issues and in the present one. Some of the stories appearing in the previous two Reports continue, some of them remained documents of their period, others receive attention for the first time. The articles in this issue try to cover the topical instances of intorelance in the year 2003, and they also take into account some more wideranging and less time-bound topics that are nevertheless closely connected to the question of intolerance.
The “Good” Life
Srečo Dragoš
Islamophobia in Slovenia
Roman Kuhar
Just and Unjust Discrimination
Borut Mekina
The Erased, First Half Time: A Decisive Victory for the Right
Brankica Petković
Not Only Neighbours, but Also the Best Neighbour Dislikes Roma People
Nataša Velikonja
The Rabble Against the Neoliberal Consensus
Hajrudin Hromadžić
On-line Forums: the Deconstruction of Electronic Democratic Utopianism – the Case of Mladina
Mojca Pajnik
The Canonization of Public Opinion: On the Making of Public Opinion and the Marginalization of Different Opinions
Alenka Spacal
Women Artists: “Beautiful”, “Tender” and “Intuitive”
Tonči A. Kuzmanić
What is (In)Tolerance and How Can We (Mis)use it as a Concept?
Voltaire: Tolerance