Intolerance Monitor Report 02
The second issue of the Intolerance Report offers further analysis of the manifestations of intolerance in Slovenia and in the wider environment. Essays in this issue: Xenophobia in Former Yugoslavia and Post-Socialist Slovenia (T. A. Kuzmanić), Islam and a Suicidal Tribe Under the Alps (S. Dragoš), Roma in Slovenia – Foreigners For Ever (B. Petković), Ugh, Filthy Faggots (R. Kuhar), Extremism, Exclusion and Anti-Liberalism of NATO Supporters (G. Kovačič), War Juggling (S. Zavratnik Zimic), Waiter, One Ukrainian, Please (M. Pajnik), A Sidebar: the Rise and Fall of the Slovene Falcon (M. Olup), and The Rule of Law or the Law of the Strongest (B. Kovačič). The report also includes translations of several entries from the Dictionary of Racism and Ethnic Relations and a re-print of an article that appeared in the Panter magazine. Although the report was written for the year 2002, some analyses cover periods extending beyond this limit.
On How One Should Not Make Judgment
Tonči Kuzmanić
Xenophobia in Former Yugoslavia and Post-Socialist Slovenia
Srečo Dragoš
Islam and a Suicidal Tribe Under the Alps
Brankica Petković
Roma in Slovenia – Foreigners for Ever
Roman Kuhar
»Ugh, Flthy Faggots!«
Gorazd Kovačič
Extremism, Exclusion and Anti-Liberalism of NATO Supporters
Simona Zavratnik Zimic
War juggling
Mojca Pajnik
“Waiter, one Ukrainian, please”
Maja Olup
Vzlet in padec Sokola (Geneza in delovanje politične stranke Slovenska nacionalna desnica)
Blaž Kovačič
The Rule of Law or the Law of the Strongest
Etničnost / Humor in etničnost / Jezik, rasa in etničnost
Jože Koporec (SND)
Nacionalizem v Slovenskem prostoru