Do Good Fences Make Friendly Neighbor? Inclusion and Exclusion in and on the Borders of Europe
Texts by authors from different parts of the world, having a common topic of border regimes, migrations, asylum, trafficking, friendly neighborhood policies, cultural differences and Islam, excell in connection between research and activism, and represent a result of cooperation between World Learning/SIT Abroad and the Peace Institute. This book is especially useful for those concerned with regimes of inclusion and exclusion.
Jill Benderly, Lev kreft
Editors’ preface
Julie Mostov
Introductory Chapter
Nora Ahmetaj
Transformation and state building as part of the political domain
Mojca Pajnik, Veronika Bajt
Understanding Migrant Women’s Labour: Intermeshing Structure and Agency
Sanja Cukut Krilić
Female Migrants at and Within the ‘European Fortress’ (Women From the Former Soviet Union in Slovenia)
Ana Frank
Rethinking European master narratives in contemporary attitudes towards ‘cultured’ (minority) groups, with a gendered perspective
Orli Fridman, Ziad M. Abu-Rish
(Re)Centring Europe: Competing Israeli and Palestinian Narratives in the Shadow of Europe
Lahcen Haddad
Beyond the Idea of “Fortress Europe” or the Challenges of Good Neighbourhood and Integration Policies
Adriana Kabashi
Kosovo: at the door of Europe
Lev Kreft
The Mediterranean and the Art World
Goran Lukič, Mirsad Begić
Migrant Workers. What About Them?
Marie-Claude Lutrand
Young French Muslim Females In “Laic” Context. A Process Of “Co-Cultural Creativity”
Aldo Milohnić
From Trojan to Schengen Horses: “The Inside Story”
Selma Muhič Dizdarevič
Trends in the Development of Immigration and Integration Policies in the European Union and the Czech Republic : Towards a Common Policy
Omar Nahas
Reading the Koran in contemporary western context
Tanja Petrović
Austria, Slovenia, and Discourses on the Western Balkans in the Context of the EU Enlargement
Andreja Prebil
Progressive Interpretation of the Quran
Mikhail Rozhanskij
Russia on the Path to Europe: the Siberian Barrier