Characteristics of attacks on civil society in Slovenia
As part of the project Defending watchdog role of civil society and journalists in Slovenia, which is implemented with the support of the Civitates program of the European Foundations Network, we have prepared the report Characteristics of attacks on civil society in Slovenia / Značilnosti napadov na civilno družbo v Sloveniji (author Brankica Petković). The typology of attacks includes complicating the system situation, participation in procedures, access to information and means of financing; termination of the project co-financing agreement; attempt to take away the spatial conditions for operation; financial pressures with a fine; threats of legal proceedings and the actual initiation of legal proceedings with the threat of payment of compensation to the ruling party; disabling online communication through cyber-attacks on the website; the use of police measures and means to restrict civil society activity; professional discredits and attempts to compromise the public image and legitimacy of the organization and critical individuals; disinformation about the organization’s financial condition; personal discrediting and publication of information and disinformation about personal circumstances; harassment, intimidation, etc.