Book / Military Families’ Health and Well-Being. A Socioecological Model of Risks
The book Military Families’ Health and Well-Being. A Socioecological Model of Risks, published by Plagrave, provides insight into Slovenian military families. The book is authored by a multidisciplinary team of resdearchers including sociologists, psychologists, and methodologists: Živa Humer (Peace Institute) and Janja Vuga Beršnak, Jelena Juvan, Andreja Živoder, Ljubica Jelušič, Alenka Švab and Bojana Lobe (Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana). It encompasses data from 800+ surveys and 40+ interviews with service members, spouses, and civilians.
About this book:
This book examines military families’ well-being and health outcomes by providing a critical theoretical perspective on their position and the risks and challenges affecting them. Authors explore the tension between demands made by two greedy institutions—the military and the family—and how the well-being of families is negotiated between the two. Uniquely, the book employs an integrative approach to observing and analyzing military-specific risk and protective factors for health outcomes of military families on various social-ecological levels, including relationship satisfaction and dissatisfaction, intimate partnership violence, parent-child relationships, child well-being, psychoactive substance abuse, depression, and PTSD. Throughout the chapters, the authors analyze research findings that reveal new health outcomes and present an empirically-tested model of military-specific risk and protective factors.