Article / Konec koncev: konec ali nov začetek? (The End of Ends: The End or a New Beginning?)
In the scientific journal Anthropos 55 (1): 45-58, the text by Lana Zdravković Konec koncev: konec ali nov začetek? (The End of Ends: The End or a New Beginning?) was published. The text deals with the specific modality of the end, which manifests itself as a pervasive sense of the constant, imminent and real threat of total destruction of the planet, global conflict and the extinction of the human species (viruses and pandemics and natural catastrophes, the nuclear threat, the threat of artificial intelligence). The theme of the end is presented through a presentation of the most important and up-to-date eschatological theorisations of radical political-philosophical thought, especially of the left-wing, post-Marxist province, which includes authors such as W. Benjamin, J. Taubes, G. Agamben, S. Žižek, A. Badiou, who derive their political theology from St Paul. The aim of the text is to show how, in a situation where the emancipatory potential of concepts that could offer a construction of a political continuation in the time of the end has been exhausted, the most radical political thinkers move into an ephemeral beyond-the-political realm, where political hope is built on theological concepts.