Public statement – Third party intervention to the European Court of Human Rights in the case Makuc and others vs. Slovenia

On 15 October 2007 the non-governmental organizations Peace Institute and Legal Information Centre for Non-Governmental Organizations – PIC filed third party interventions to the European Court of Human Rights in the case Makuc and others vs. Slovenia. The case was initiated by the application No. 26828/06, submitted to the Court on 4 July 2006 by eleven erased residents of Slovenia.
The Intervention was prepared in the framework of the project The Erased People of Slovenia – A Challenge for a Young Nation-State, which is financially supported by the Open Society Institute. The project is carried out by the Peace Institute in partnership with Legal Information Centre of Non-Governmental Organizations – PIC, Amnesty International Slovenia and Unione Forense per la Tutela dei Dirritti dell\’Uomo from Rome. The activities of the project are field research, legal counseling and representation, international lobbying and awareness raising of the specific publics.