Unforgotten: Advocating for the Rights of the Erased
The purpose of the project is to strengthen advocacy efforts for the adoption of the already drafted law to regularize the status of the erased; to raise public awareness about the issues faced by the erased, which is necessary to garner support for the adoption of the law; to provide legal and psychosocial support to the erased who live in Slovenia without any status and, consequently, without rights or social protection; and to strengthen alliances with civil society organizations and state institutions to increase pressure on Slovenian authorities to adopt the proposed law.
We strive to restore the unlawfully revoked status of the erased or to secure permanent residency permits, enabling individuals to enjoy rights related to healthcare, social welfare, employment, education, and more. Additionally, we contribute to raising awareness among public officials as well as the general public about the issues faced by the erased and their family members and about the necessary legislative solutions that could address such cases.