Sustainable. Local. Global.

Through public awareness, promotion of global learning and coordinated advocacy, to strengthen support for international development cooperation, international humanitarian assistance and global learning, and to increase the visibility of global goals that the countries of the world, including Slovenia, adopted in September 2015.

The project consortium will carry out more than 270 events across Slovenia (global learning workshops for young people and educators, debates on regional radio and television stations, etc.), prepare more than 20 materials and positions to address political decision makers, online awareness campaign under #SustainableLocalGlobal, online quizzes, monthly publications of non-governmental representatives on burning issues, newsletter about global learning for educators, national conferences on global learning, motivational days for educators, annual newspaper that will summarize achievements and present positive stories of development cooperation, etc. In order to increase the multiplicative impact of activities, the consortium is also associated with stakeholders from other fields, such as the Faculty of Social Sciences, the Faculty of Education, the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, Television Slovenia, etc.



  • Platform SLOGA (leading the project)
  • Društvo Humanitas, Zavod Global, Inštitut za afriške študije, Zavod Voluntariat, Kulturno izobraževalno društvo PiNA, Mirovni inštitut, Humanitarno drušvo ADRA Slovenija, Umanotera, Društvo Focus, Amnesty International Slovenije, Društvo za združene narode za Slovenijo, Človekoljubno društvo Up Jesenice, Zveza prijateljev mladine Slovenije, Pravno informacijski center - PIC, Zavod Povod, Slovenska karitas, Slovenska filantropija, Ekvilib inštitut in Zavod Tri.
