RefugeeAction II: Advocacy for inclusive asylum and migration policies, Integration of refugees, Education and Awareness-raising on migration causes for general public

Project’s goal: To contribute to a more open and just society in which refugees would feel welcome and accepted as equal members of the society. 

Project’s objectives:

  1. To increase through advocacy the inclusiveness of asylum and migration policies and reduce the rigidness of asylum procedures;
  2. To improve through support and assistance the integration of refugees in the Slovenian society;
  • To raise awareness and improve knowledge of the general population (special focus on youth) on migration causes, and socio-economic and political situation in the world (global learning).


  1. Advocacy activities: watchdog role, meetings, coordination with other initiatives, amendments to the laws;
  2. Activities contributing to the integration: weekly language and other courses; monthly social events with program; legal counselling/literacy for asylum seekers; visiting refugees in Aliens Center;
  3. Educational activities: lectures and workshops for students about migration causes, and socio-economic and political situation in the world (through global learning, including the method living library – in cooperation with asylum seekers);
  4. Awareness-raising activities: public events and public campaign (in cooperation with asylum seekers).


Kulturno društvo Gmajna


Supported by a grant from Open Society Foundations. Open-Society-Foundations_logo