Featured projects
Affective Media: Transformations of Public Communication
The study examines the “affective turn” in the media which has marked a series of changes, ranging from the digitalisation of newsrooms and new forms of employment to the...
Motivations, experiences and consequences of returns and readmissions policy: revealing and developing effective alternatives (MORE)
The project will examine when and why alternative approaches are or have been implemented and why they have not become the main response to cases of administrative irregularities among...
Analysis of online hate speech and disinformation in Slovenia and development of a proposal for action
Identifying and understanding the phenomena of disinformation and hate speech and other forms of socially unacceptable discourse; and developing appropriate indicators, an index or a model for continuous monitoring.
City for Everybody – Building Responsible Action for Inclusive Local Communities (CIFER)
To increase the motivation and readiness of local, educational and NGO communities to respond and intervene in cases of racism, xenophobia and intolerance.
FIERCE – Feminist movements revitalizing democracy in Europe
The project’s main goal is to provide theoretical and practical knowledge and tools to revitalize alliance among feminist movement, civil society and political decision makers.
Caring Masculinities in Action (Carmia)
The project deepens existing and develops new perspectives in the Peace Institute's research and activist work on gender equality and masculinity.
The Management of Author’s and Related Rights in the Digital Environment
Cultural policy | Project duration: 1/10/2006 - 1/10/2008Question of the management of author's rights with special regards to the remuneration system for private copying and the legal protection of technological measures.
GemTrEx – Professionalizing Gender Trainers & Experts in Adult Education
Gender | Project duration: 1/10/2006 - 30/9/2008New professions concerning Gender Mainstreaming-related activities in adult education have emerged in Europe, but thus far, the quality criteria and certification for these professions are missing.
Human Rights Press Point During the Slovenian EU Presidency
Human Rights and Minorities, Media | Project duration: 1/12/2007 - 1/8/2008Human Rights Press Point is established to serve the interests of foreign journalists during the Slovenian EU Presidency 2008.
At the Crossroads of Cultural Politics: The Western Balkans
Cultural policy | Project duration: 1/1/2008 - 31/7/2008Instruments used for supporting contemporary art producers and cultural operators in the Western Balkan (WB) countries.
Cultural policy, Politics | Project duration: 21/2/2008 - 23/5/2008A campaign for the mobilization of people and actions dedicated to the promotion of mutual knowledge and respect in the region.
Anti-Discrimination and Diversity Training
Human Rights and Minorities | Project duration: 1/12/2007 - 1/5/2008The special aim of the Diversity management seminar is to raise awareness of the employers on the economic damage that discrimination migth cause.
FeMiPol: Integration of Female Immigrants in Labour Market and Society: Policy Assessment and Policy Recommendations
Gender, Human Rights and Minorities | Project duration: 1/1/2006 - 1/3/2008The project is organized with the purpose to foster understanding of migration flows in different countries, and reflect the position of migrating women.
FEMIPOL – Integration of Female Immigrants in Labour Market and Society
Gender | Project duration: 1/2/2006 - 29/2/2008The FeMiPol project responds to these challenges by exploring and analysing the impact of integration policies on the position of migrant women within EU countries.
Participation in the Media Centers Network SEENPM – Labor Relations in the Media
Media | Project duration: 1/3/2007 - 31/1/2008More information regarding project here. Slovene report. Project leader: Brankica Petković Project coworker: Neva Nahtigal and Iztok Jurančič
The Role of the State in the Media Sector in Slovenia
Media | Project duration: 1/1/2007 - 31/12/2007The project includes policy research and advocacy activities with aim to contribute to public awareness on the controversial role of the state in media sector in Slovenia.