Municipal Property, Local Management and Local Finances

The project, “Capacity-Building for Senior Municipal Staff in Public Finance”, was initiated by the Kosovo Foundation for an Open Society and the Institute for Development Research (RIINVEST) in 2001. The follow-up to the project was organised in Ljubljana where nine experts from Kosovo attended a two-day workshop. According to the content agreement between the organisers and the participants of the workshop, the following topics were debated:
1. local self-government (case study: Slovenia, current situation and future perspectives);
2. management of municipal property and local finance;
3. local administration (case study: urban municipality of Ljubljana);
4. local government budgets; and
5. fiscal decentralization.
In addition, participants were introduced to the work of the Office for Local Self-Government of the Ministry of the Interior in Ljubljana, and visited the municipality of Kamnik.

Project execution

Location: Ljubljana, The School of Public Administration


The School of Public Administration, University of Ljubljana


East East Program: Partnership Beyond Borders (OSI)