International seminar: Participation Opportunities: Perspectives for Inclusion of Marginalized Groups

In the international seminar the participants discussed the situation of different marginalized groups from the human rights perspective. Through different case studies participants reflected the situation of migrants, same-sex oriented and handicapped. The participants exchanged the knowledge on the human rights situation in the selected countries, the European Union candidates and discussed the situation in comparison to the contemporary legal standards in EU. The social-political mechanisms of support were put forward and participants rethought the political, cultural and social participation perspectives. Also integration, political and social inclusion of the marginalized groups were discussed.

Project execution

Seminar program (.pdf, 86kB)
Evaluation Report (.pdf, 145kB)


Seminar materials – presentations and abstracts:


  • CNVOS (Centre for information service, co-operation and development of NGOs)
  • YHD - Association for theory and culture of handicap


East East: Partnership Beyond Borders Program