Enhancing the capacity of civil society organisations to support victims of anti-LGBTQI hate crimes (ENACT)
The purpose of the project is to support civil society organizations in Slovenia, Italy, Spain, Lithuania, Greece and Hungary in establishing cooperation with public institutions to improve support for LGBTIQ victims of hate crimes and in the fight against re-victimization. Through an intersectional approach, the project strives to strengthen the role of civil society organizations in protecting, providing support and raising awareness of the rights of LGBTIQ victims.
Specific objectives:
- To map and evaluate the existing services for victims of anti-LGBTIQ hate crimes in the participant countries, considering the following axes: a) their capacity for addressing victims’ needs and avoiding revictimization; b) their ability for dealing with the overlapping of discrimination factors (intersectionality); c) their degree of interconnection (private-private; public-private).
- To analyze the experiences of victims of anti-LGBTQI hate crimes, as well as the perspectives of key professionals, through in-depth interviews and focus groups, in order to gather their viewpoints regarding victims’ needs and the factors of revictimization, the engagement of public bodies in the combat against anti-LGBTQI hate crimes, as well as the quality, efficiency and interconnection of the available services.
- To promote interagency and multidisciplinary cooperation between public bodies and civil society organizations working with anti-LGBTIQ hate crimes and the assistance to victims, through national and transnational workshops.
- To guarantee the provision of appropriate services for victims of anti-LGBT hate crimes considering the intersectional perspective and the combat against revictimization, through the elaboration of a portfolio of services.
- To strengthen the efficiency of services provided and the cooperation between public bodies and civil society organizations, through the development of policy recommendations.
- To improve the sensibility and skills of security and justice practitioners to sexual and gender diversity, the assistance to victims of anti-LGBTIQ hate crimes as well as the combat against institutional discrimination and revictimization through an intersectional approach, by means of the elaboration and test of a training module.
- To raise awareness about the rights of victims of anti-LGBT hate crimes and the available services, the personal and social consequences of anti-LGBTIQ violence and the overlapping of the oppression factors, through dissemination activities and materials.
National Report, Slovenia, Peace Institute, January 2025
Prizadevanja za bolj učinkovito podporo LGBTIQ+ žrtvam zločinov iz sovraštva. Rezultati projekta ENACT, Februar 2025
- Rete Lenford - Avvocatura per i diritti LGBTI+, Italy
- The University of Brescia (UNIBS), Italy
- The University of Girona (UdG), Spain
- The Kentro Merimnas Oikgeneias Kai Paidiou (KMOP), Greece
- Háttér Society (HS), Hungary
- Lithuanian Gay League (LGL), Lithuania