Achievements of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia – The Hague Tribunal

The project aimed to provide a forum for visible experts, scholars and opinion makers from across the Balkans as well as organizations from different countries around Europe or the US who are dealing with the issues of international justice, that are in particular related to the work of the International Criminal Court for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY). The main goal was to exchange views, encourage the discussion and address the achievements/results of the ICTY in the former Yugoslavia. The main topics discussed were whether the criticisms of the tribunal are well founded and whether the achievements provided in the ICTY’s mandate were fulfilled.
According to the evaluation outcome this was the first event that provided space for open discussion about the results and future prospects on the tribunal. “State of the arts” were prepared as one of the outcomes that were sent to key figures closely related to the work of ICTY.
The project provides the Peace Institute with broader knowledge on urgent issues, and a solid basis for the future both research and advocacy work in the Western Balkans.


  • Open Society Fund - Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Fund for an Open Society – Serbia
  • Open Society Institute – Macedonia