P.A. law campaign: Stop the difference
P.A. law campaign: Stop the difference
12. 3. 2009

We urge governments and the European Parliament to:
– Act now: Stop inequalities, Stop segregation
– Human rights for all
– Personal assistance for all
– Make article 19 of the UN Convention a reality
– Start consulting with organizations run and controlled by disabled people with experience in independent living
– Sign the petition
Supporting organizations
This campaign is supported by:
- European Coalition on Community Living
- ULOBA, Norway
- Independent Living Institute, Sweden
- YHD – association for the theory and culture of handicap, Slovenia
- APEIRONS – Organization of People with Disabilities and Their Friends, Latvia
- ZSL Bad Kreuznach, Germany
- Independent Living Forum, Spain
- CIL Dublin, Ireland
- Vigalicia, Spain
- Derechoc Humanos Ya (Human Rights Now), Spain