• Comments on the RTV Slovenia Act by international experts


    rtv1.jpgApproaching the referendum on the RTV Slovenia Act (scheduled for 12 December 2010), the Peace Institute requested from the renown international experts and organisations to evaluate the law. The activity is aimed at providing...

  • Public statement


    The European Court of Human Rights today issued a judgment against the RS in favor of a group of applicants who filed an application complaining about their unlawful “erasure” from the registry of permanent residence in 1992 soon after the Slovenia’s...

  • Call for papers


    Peace institute is organizing international conference titled Women's empowerment through community based tourism and cultural exchange: chances and challenges. It  will be held from 19th to 21st November 2010 in Kigali, Rwanda. Deadline for the submission of abstracts is 5th July 2010.

  • Invitation to the international conference


    The Peace Institute kindly invites you to the international conference Changing social organization of care and its implications for social politics which will take place in Ljubljana in City hotel from 13 to 14 May. The conference aims to address issues...

  • Workshop on human rights, discrimination and migration


    The Peace Institute, in collaboration with the Slovene Philanthropy and within the East East: Partnership Beyond Borders Program is organising workshops on human rights, discrimination and migration in relation to volunteering within the framework of the project The Role of Non-Governmental Organisations and Volunteers...

  • International Conference ‘Multiple Discrimination and Intersection: Experience and Opportunities’


    We would kindly like to invite you to attend an international conference which will take place on 21 October 2009, from 9.00 – 17.00, in Grand Hotel Union in Ljubljana, Miklošičeva 1.The conference aims to address the issue of multiple and intersectional discrimination as...

  • International conference: ‘LGBT families: the new minority?’


    The Peace Institute (Institute for Contemporary Social and Political Studies, Ljubljana) and GLBT non-governmental organization Legebitra (Ljubljana) in cooperation with The Institute of Sociology (Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest) and ILGA-Europe will hold an international conference LGBT families: the new minority? in Ljubljana from...

  • Call for Papers


    Peace institute is organizing international, interdisciplinary conference titled Changing Social Organization of Care and its Implications for Social Politics. It  will be held from 13th to 14th May 2010 in Ljubljana, Slovenia. We are particularly interested in papers and panels that address the following...

  • Call for Junior Research fellowship


    The Peace Institute in Ljubljana, Slovenia, is  looking for a Junior Research fellow (a full time PhD research position in Ljubljana).  The selected  young researcher (social sciences or humanities) will have  a range of responsibilities in relation to the implementation of a research project...

  • Press Release Concerning the Homophobic Attack on Café Open


    We, the employees of the Peace Institute are strongly condemning the homophobic attack on Café Open on Thursday 25 June 2009 committed by unknown camouflaged individuals.