• Invitation to the international conference


    International conference “The New Dangerous Class”: Contrasting Perspectives on Precarity will be held on 30 March 2013 in Ljubljana. Speakers: Michel Husson, Rastko Močnik, Guy Standing, Maja Breznik, Teodor Shanin, Gustavo Esteva, Grigor Gradev, Barbara Kresal. Final round table with precarious workers: Predrag Topić,...

  • Invitation to the round table discussion


    We are kindly inviting you to the round table discussion What are we »developing« in the concept of development cooperation and what is the role of migration?  on Thursday, 28 February at 18.00 at the atrium of the City Museum, Ljubljana  with Vlasta Jalušič from...

  • Invitation to the lecture and film


    The Peace Institute and Faculty of Social Sciences are inviting you on Wednesday, 27 February 2013 at, Faculty of Social Sciences (room 3) to the lecture by prof. Gertrude Fester from South Africa: Options for positive development, immigration and gender equality in Africa: a...

  • New book “Paradoxes of integration”


    The book Paradoxes of Integration: Female Migrants in Europe, eds. Floya Anthias, Maria Kontos, Mirjana Morokvasic-Müller (Springer, 2013), has just been released and it includes a chapter by Mojca Pajnik and Veronika Bajt "Civic Participation of Migrant Women: Employing Strategies of Active Citizenship". The...

  • A workshop on culture and development (AWARD)


    As a project partner in the AWARD project, the Peace Institute was invited to take part in the first edition of the 'European Campus of local and regional authorities for Culture' which took place in Paris from the 22nd to the 24th of November...

  • Invitation to the conference


    Peace Institute organizes a two-day trans-regional conference "Comparing Media Reforms". The meeting, which is attended by 20 experts from around the world, will be held from 29th to 30th November 2012 in the rector's hall at the University of Ljubljana, Kongresni trg 12.

  • Peace Institute wins PASOS Think-Tank Achievement Award 2012


    The Peace Institute was awarded the PASOS Think-Tank Achievement Award 2012. “The project of the Peace Institute is for me a shining example of the way how any civil society organization should function within a society and for the benefit of the society,” said...

  • Notice


    The PI library is closed from 5th to 12th November.

  • Attorneys Andrea Saccucci and Anton Giulio Lana (Italy) and the Peace Institute (Slovenia) received PILnet’s 2012 European Pro Bono Award for exemplary partnership in the public interest


    The award was bestowed at the closing ceremony of the 6th European Pro Bono Forum hosted by PILnet.

  • Invitation to Partnership Fair


    In the frame of Slovenian Development Days, organized by SLOGA - Platform for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Peace institute is organizing Partnership Fair i.e. consultations with non-governmental organizations (NGOs) on migration...