Academic writing workshop, 10. 2. 2025
As part of the Peace Institute’s research program group, we organized an academic writing workshop led by Dr. Petra Ahrens from Tampere University in Finland.
Enhancing the hybrid media system model: The role of critical theory in media and communication research, 30. 1. 2025
The main contribution of the article is to show that critical theory strengthens the explanatory power of the current eclectic-empirical media models without fundamentally undermining their foundations.
Sex work online: professionalism between affordances and constraints, 14. 01. 2025
The article by Mojca Pajnik and Roman Kuhar entitled Sex work online: professionalism between affordances and constraints has been published in the journal Information, Communication & Society.
Texts and Contexts from the History of Feminism and Women’s Rights. East Central Europe, Second Half of the Twentieth Century, 10. 12. 2024
The compendium includes a text by Vlasta Jalušič entitled Abortion, Women, and Politics.
Book What Kind of Government?, 25. 10. 2024
Springer has published the book ‘What kind of government? Rethinking Contemporary Forms of Government after the Break in Tradition’, edited by Vlasta Jalušič and Wolfgang Heuer.
Hateful discourses in the digital age, 8. 10. 2024
Last week we organized the Program Group Symposium “Hateful Discourses in the Digital Age: How Neoliberalism and the Radical Right are Shaping our Future
The symposium of the program group: in search of disciplinary crossroads, 22. 3. 2024
The focus of the symposium was on questions about the ethnographic method, the affective turn in modern capitalism, and the critical questioning of the post-Yugoslav imaginary.
Transformations of the Media Sphere: Amplifying Opportunity Structures for Populism, 13. 12. 2023
The book The Complexity of Populism: New Approaches and Methods (Routledge), which includes a chapter by Mojce Pajnik entitled Transformations of the Media Sphere: Amplifying Opportunity Structures for Populism.
Affective media: First meeting of the research group, 14. 11. 2023
We acquired a new research project Affective, which the Peace Institute is implementing together with the Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, and the Faculty of Humanities, University of Primorska.
Symposium of the Program Group devoted to methodological approaches, 12. 10. 2023
We devoted the symposium to the discussion of selected methodological approaches and experiences of researchers using different methodologies in the research process.
Publication in Media, Culture & Society journal, 1. 9. 2023
Scientific paper has been published based on a comparative analysis of media ownership structures in Austria, Hungary, Slovenia and Turkey.
Article: Aligning populist worldviews of citizens to media preferences: peculiarities of an illiberal political context, 6. 3. 2023
In this article the authors look at how people’s relations to the media shape their anti-establishment, people-centrist and exclusionist populist worldviews.
Legislative and Judicial Responses to the “Refugee Crisis” in Slovenia and Austria: A Comparative Perspective, 24. 2. 2023
In the last issue of the journal ‘Dve domovini/Two Homelands’, Neža Kogovšek Šalamon compares the key normative approaches to responses to the 2015–2016 “refugee crisis” in Slovenia and Austria.
The Transversal Political Logic of Populism: Framing the ‘Refugee Crisis’ in Slovenian Parliamentary Debates, 4. 1. 2023
Approaching populism at the intersection of ideology and discourse, in the article the authors Mojca Pajnik and Emanuela Fabijan analyse how politicians in Slovenia responded to migration during and after the ‘refugee crisis’ (2015–2019).
The Research Agency’s annual report with »Excellent in Science 2021«, 23. 12. 2022
The Slovenian Research Agency’s 2021 Annual Report includes the selection of scientific achievements »Excellent in Science 2021« among which it presents the article of Mojca Pajnik and Majda Hrženjak »Engendering Media Work: Institutionalizing the Norms of Entrepreneurial Subjectivities«, published in Journalism.
New article in Gender, Technology and Development by Rok Smrdelj and Mojca Pajnik, 7. 12. 2022
The main contribution of the authors’ study is to show how the theory of intersectionality, focusing on representation and social location, can be useful within critical discourse analysis, specifically to reflect the anti-discrimination position in media reporting.
Mojca Pajnik was elected full professor, 1. 12. 2022
We are proud to announce that our colleague Mojca Pajnik was elected full professor. In her lecture entitled “Transformations of the media: opportunity structures for authoritarian populism” she analysed how technological changes, processes of deregulation, digitalization and plaformization of media together with the consolidation of the precarious model of journalism contribute to vulnerability of media to amplify authoritarian populism.
The fifth symposium of the programme group, 3. 10. 2022
We devoted the debates to rethinking the selected theoretical concepts for understanding modern societies in conditions of accumulation of permanent crises.
Scientific article Whose children? The EU and Member States’ integration policies in education, 15. 9. 2022
The Peace Institute researchers Vlasta Jalušič and Veronika Bajt published a new scientific article In the latest issue of the journal Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism.
Reported User-Generated Online Hate Speech, 24. 8. 2022
Iztok Šori (PI) and Vasja Vehovar (FSS) published an article in the journal Social Sciences in which they analyze hate speech reported by Internet users to the Spletno oko monitoring organization.
Migration as empowerment and a personal success story, 20. 7. 2022
Veronika Bajt and Mojca Frelih published the scientific article “Empowerment through Migration: Narratives of Successful Migrant Women’s Integration in Slovenia” in the special issue of the international journal “Cuestiones Pedagógicas Journal”.
The fourth Symposium of the programme group, 29. 3. 2022
The fourth symposium organized as part of our research program aimed at highlighting selected relevant topics that are currently in focus of our research.
A scientific paper on the impact of nationalism on migration management and border closures during the Covid-19 epidemic, 11. 3. 2022
The Peace Institute researcher Veronika Bajt has published a new scientific article in the academic journal ISH Monitor, The Virus of Fear: Nationalism and Pandemic Society.
The article by Mojca Pajnik and Majda Hrženjak selected among the achievements “Excellent in Science 2021” by the Slovenian Research Agency, 4. 1. 2022
The article by Mojca Pajnik and Majda Hrženjak »Engendering Media Work: Institutionalizing the Norms of Entrepreneurial Subjectivities«, published in Journalism, was selected among the achievements »Excellent in Science 2021« by the Slovenian Research Agency.
In 2021 researchers from the Peace Institute wrote numerous scientific articles and monographs presenting the results of our research projects and studies.
Media Populism and Affective Journalism: Newspaper Commentary on the Refugee Crisis, 23. 12. 2021
The article examines the production and reproduction of populism in the media reporting and interpretation of migration in the period of transformative changes of the migration and refugee legislation in Slovenia (2015–2019).
Strengthening Allies of Transgender Persons, Raising Awareness about Transsgender and Preventing Transphobia, 15. 12. 2021
Transfeminist initiative TransAkcija Institute organized a colloquium for the PI entitled Strengthening Allies of Transgender Persons, Raising Awareness about Transsgender and Preventing Transphobia.
Organized memory and popular remembering: The encounter of Yugonostalgia theories with socialism, 30. 11. 2021
The article first examines the contrast between popular remembering and the official presentation of Yugoslav socialist past in Slovenia.
A paradigm shift framed by a crisis: recent debates on immigration and integration in six EU countries, 14. 1. 2021
The article examines recent public debates on migration and integration in Austria, Denmark, Poland, Slovenia, Spain, and the UK.
Scientific articles on the topic of initmacy and gender, 12. 1. 2021
Majda Hrženjak has published two scientific articles related to the topic of intimacy and gender.
Scientific publications 2020, 23. 12. 2020
In 2020 researchers from the Peace Institute wrote numerous scientific articles and monographs presenting the results of our research projects and studies.
Symposium of the research program of the PI, 29. 9. 2020
Epistemological and methodological frameworks of our research in the fields of equality and human rights were the main focus of the discussions at the first symposium of the PI research program group.
Organizational Patterns of Sex Work and the Effects of the Policy Framework, 13. 8. 2020
In the article Mojca Pajnik and Ivana Radačić theorize sex work as a continuum of professional and organizational practice in two post-socialist EU member states, Slovenia and Croatia.
The research programme ‘Equality and human rights in times of global governance’, 2, 3. 2020
The overall goal of the study is to generate new knowledge, based on science.
Teorija in praksa: Special thematic section Masculinities and care, 23. 1. 2020
Thematic section contributes to the expanding research of masculinity and care by presenting evidence of men’s active participation in a range of types, locations and geographies of care.
Scientific publications 2019, 30. 12. 2019
In 2019 researchers from the Peace Institute wrote numerous scientific articles and monographs presenting the results of our research projects and studies.