Reports on the media system and civil society in Slovenia
One of the reports addresses structural changes in Slovenia media system and the other one provides an insight into conducted frame analysis of public letters of civil society organizations...
Play it for Change – Report and policy recommendations
We highlight some fundamental principles for the empowerment and inclusion of young people in implementing gender equality, as well as the challenges and needs of female and male teachers...
Strengthening judicial cooperation in the implementation of the Regulation on Inheritance in Croatia and Slovenia
Final report was prepared by Slađana Aras Kramar, Marko Turk and Katarina Vučko.
Report on the evaluation of the integration of beneficiaries of international protection, Slovenia 2016
Maja Ladić, Neža Kogovšek Šalamon, Veronika Bajt et al.
The report covers the situation until 31 December 2016, the data were collected in 2017 and the report was written in 2018.
White paper: Rights on the Move – Rainbow Families in Europe
Katarina Vučko, Neža Kogovšek Šalamon
The White Paper, a document in five languages, contains an overview of all relevant fields of the EU law important for free movement of rainbow families.
The Effects of Public Participation in the Management of Public Broadcasting in Slovenia
Final report.
Cultural Education
Majda Hrženjak, Valerija Vendramin
The final study : "Cultural education through children's literature."
Roma Without Citizenship and / or Identity Documents in Slovenia
Field study carried out in the framework of the European Roma Rights Centre in Budapest.
Contemporary Citizenship
Politics of Inclusion and Exclusion.
EU Citizenship – The Source of Legitimacy of European Integration?
How does the concept of EU citizenship place in search of solutions to address the deficit of legitimacy?