‘Hannah Arendt and conceptual change’ project news
20. 12. 2021 | Politics

In the frame of the 26th IPSA World Congress of Political Science, held from 10th to 15th July 2021, the research group of the project The Break in Tradition: Hannah Arendt and Conceptual Change led by Vlasta Jalušič conducted a panel entitled Confronting political concepts with new nationalisms. Within the Section for Political Theory and Political Philosophy, the following contributions have been presented: Cristina Sanchez (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain) ‘Crises of the Republic, Crisis of Democracy: Readings from an Arendtian Perspective’, Wolfgang Heuer (Free University Berlin, Germany) ‘The Challenge of the Break of the Tradition’, Waltraud Meints-Stender (Hochschule Niederrhein / University of Lower Niederrhein, Germany) ‘Political Autonomy after the End of Autonomy’ and Vlasta Jalušič (Peace Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia) ‘Predicaments of the Nation-State: Can We Still Learn from Arendt’s Concepts?’. The conference program is available here.
As an event within the project, the seminar-conference The inhuman condition was held at the Inter-University Centre in Dubrovnik between the 6th and 10th of September. Dr. Vlasta Jalušič, Dr. Gorazd Kovačič, Dr. Mirt Komel, Dr. Lana Zdravković, Dr. Wolfgang Heuer, Dr. Cristina Sanchez and Dr. Zoran Kurelić presented their contributions and debates.
In the latest English edition of the journal Filozofski vestnik 42/1 (2021), a set of thematic scientific articles by the project researcher team, entitled ‘Politics and Action’, was published. Published texts are: Arendt, Koselleck, and Begreifen: Rethinking Politics and Concepts in Times of Crisis, Vlasta Jalušič; Arendt’s Break with the Liberal Imaginary of Society, Gorazd Kovačič; The Concept of Emancipation as Political Action (Marx, Arendt, Rancière), Lana Zdravković; “To Act or Not to Act”: Arendt, Hegel, and Shakespeare on Action, Mirt Komel; Towards Biopolitics beyond Life and Death: The Virus, Life, and Death, Toni Čerkez, Martin Gramc. The texts are publicly available here.