Five selected proposals for advocacy actions of civil society organizations

Five proposals from civil society organizations were selected to implement advocacy campaigns and organize actions aiming to support free, independent, pluralistic and viable media in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia and Serbia – announced the Steering Committee of the project “South East European Media Observatory” today after having evaluated the applications received till the deadline of February 28, 2014. Civil society organizations from the above mentioned countries submitted 23 applications for this call.
The five selected organizations will carry out a variety of different activities in their own countries in 2014 as part of the project “South East European Media Observatory – Building Capacities and Coalitions for Monitoring Media Integrity and Advancing Media Reforms” which aims at supporting integrity both in public service and commercial media in South East Europe.
The selected projects are:
- Albania – Res Publica: Promoting Responsible Investigative Journalism
- Bosnia and Herzegovina – Post-Conflict Research Center (PCRC): Media Literacy & Resisting Manipulation: A Multi-Media Campaign
- Croatia – Human Rights House Zagreb: Raising Critical Voices for Media Integrity
- Macedonia – Association of Journalists of Macedonia: Stronger Association of Journalists for Increased Solidarity in the Profession
- Serbia – Independent Journalists` Association of Vojvodina: Supporting Implementation of the Law on Public Information and Media at Local Level
The representatives of the selected organizations will take part in the international advocacy workshop together with local implementing partners of the project to be held in Skopje from March 31 to April 1, 2014.
Under call for proposals civil society organizations – professional associations, advocacy groups, research institutes, human rights organizations and other CSOs – specializing in media proposed actions with a maximum duration of six months to be implemented in 2014.
Each selected project will receive a grant up to EUR 5000. The granting scheme is administered by the Center for Independent Journalism (CIJ), Budapest on behalf of the project partners’ consortium.
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