The film ‘Everything I Told Them’
20. 8. 2019 | Gender, Human Rights and Minorities, Politics

“Violence is a violation of human rights and human personal boundaries. Everyone has the right to live safely, without violence, and every person has the right to set his or her own personal boundaries.” DNK The film Everything I Told Them (Vlasta Jalušič, Lana Zdravković, 2016, 47 min.), in a documentary way, explore on the one hand why, despite an explicit European consensus on stopping violence against women and protecting children from harm, the practices of intervention and the rationales behind them differ between countries, and on the other hand, how policies and institutional practices intended to ensure the “best interests of the child” and the freedom and safety of women from violence may be deployed differently and have quite different effects for disadvantaged minorities within each country. The fIlm presents the views of various experts from Germany, Portugal, Slovenia and the United Kingdom in the areas of domestic violence, child abuse and trafficking for sexual abuse, as well as personal stories of women and children with personal experience of violence and social interventions. In this way, the film offers a concise view of cultural encounters and tensions in interventions and policies against violence and highlights the fundamental emphasis: the right to be safe from violence. Documentary ‘Everything I Told Them’ has been produced within the project ‘CEINAV – Cultural Encounters in Interventions Against Violence (Violence, Inequality, and Human Rights)’. The film is suitable for broadcasting both to the general and the professional public as well as for educational purposes. It is equipped with Slovenian and English subtitles.