E-book: ‘Fathers. Short Stories about Contemporary Parenthood’
17. 8. 2016 | Gender

Care for children is universal element of parenthood, equally related to motherhood and fatherhood.
Stories reveal complex positions of fathers and their considerations about fatherhood and fathering, which can be understood in the context of process of emancipation of men in Slovenia. Forty years passed since women under the slogan ‘personal is political’ started to pave the path for social changes first in consciousness raising groups than in public spaces sharing their experiences and feelings. This step is necessary now for men to reconsider their roles and positions in caring work in their private lives.
The common imperative in all stories is care – emotional relationships with children, feelings of joy and happiness, tears and fears, considerations about nurturing and everyday life, which is usually prescribed as women’s domain. Care for children is universal element of parenthood, equally related to motherhood and fatherhood.