The research programme addresses the problem of devaluation of human rights and principles of equality among people in times of global governance and it thinks about – with historical sensibility about a possible future of the European humanism.
The research programme focuses on the concepts of human rights, equality, diversity and non-discrimination that found themselves at a historical crossroads. While on one hand the regulation of human rights has never been so precise and extensive, on the other hand the significance of these rights has never been so reduced. In times of permanent crisis (economic, financial, migration, crisis of democratic institutions …) the debate of the fundamental equalities among people and of the theory of human rights at the international and European levels has largely faded away and in Slovenia after it gained independence it has never really come to life again. In time of the decline of politics it was replaced by the debates on security, terrorism, sovereignty. This research programme addresses the problem of the devaluation of human rights and the idea of equality, reflecting the possible future of the European humanism.

Head of the research program:
Mojca Pajnik
Project team:
Iztok Šori, Jurij Smrke, Lana Zdravković, Maja Breznik, Majda Hrženjak, Marko Ribać, Neža Kogovšek Šalamon, Tjaša Turnšek, Sergeja Hrvatič, Zoran Fijavž, Veronika Bajt, Vlasta Jalušič, Živa Humer
Slovenian Research and Innovation Agency
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