Živa Humer, project leader Peace Institute Project web page has been produced with the financial support of Norwegian Financial Mechanism Programme. The contents of the project web page are the sole responsibility of the Peace Institute and can in no way be taken to reflect the view of the Norwegian Financial Mechanism Programme.Useful resources
Men’s organizations
For employers
Advice, help and support for parents
Research and action projects
Phone: +386 1 234 77 20Follow our work
Project coordinator
Institute for Contemporary Social and Political Studies
Metelkova 6, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Phone: +386 1 234 77 20
Fax: +386 1 234 77 22
Email: info@mirovni-institut.si
MenCare is a global organization for promotion of just and nonviolent fatherhood, with the goal to increase wellbeing of the families and gender equality and to improve the health of mothers, fathers and children.
Reform - Resource Centre for Men is a politically independent not-for-profit organisation from Norway, working towards gender equality from a male perspective. Reform is also partner organization of the project Fathers and Employers in Action.
eMANcipator is an organization for men and gender equality from the Netherlands.
MenEngage is a global network of organizations and groups which unites men and boys in strivings for gender equality.
Volker Baisch provides counselling for companies on how to become more fathers friendly.
AEIOU theatre is creating performances for children from 6 months to 4 years of age. The group creates visual and physical theatre as well as object theatre, where theatre arts are intertwined with other art forms.
Familylab Slovenia strives to preserve and promote values and principles of the renown family therapist Jesper Juul. They offer support, counselling and help for development of parental competences.
Association of young people, parents and children offers day care and learning support for children.
Counselling Centres help and support Children, Adolescents and Parents at solving learning, emotional, upbringing, behavioural, psychosocial and psychiatric problems. Help is provided by psychologists, pedopsychiatrists, special pedagogues, pedagogues, logopedists and social workers.
Information on the rights under insurance for parental protection (paternity leave, maternity leave and leave for care and protection of children) from Ministry of Work, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities.
Ringaraja provides information and counselling on fertilization, pregnancy, care for babies and uprising of children.
Project Reconciling Work and Family Life in collective agreements: The role of social partners in promoting gender equality (GEQUAL) addresses the challenge of how the social partners can contribute to the promotion of gender equality, in particular through the inclusion of this topic in collective agreements.
Project Promote Equal Pay to Diminish Pension Gap, Poverty and Social Exclusion aims at awareness rising about the impact of gender based pay gap on pension gap and feminization of poverty.
The Role of Men in Gender Equality - European strategies & insights, research report.
Project EQPOWEREC: Gender Equality in Distribution of Economic Power is addressing gender equality in decision-making in the field of economy. Main goal is to achieve a greater awareness of the issue and to increase gender equality in economic life in Slovenia.
Project Obtaining Political Equality by New Names – OPENN goals are: increasing knowledge/awareness of the public about women's obstacles for involvement in/access to decision-making positions and about benefits of women’s participation in politics; increasing interest for women’s participation in politics; increasing readiness for implementing measures for higher women’s representation/inclusion and empowerment in politics; increasing knowledge, capacities and mutual support of women in local politics.
Project Care Work between Individualization, Globalization and Socialization point of departure is the shifting responsibilities within the provision of welfare, highlighting the shift from socialization to commodification, individualization and globalization of care, i.e. from public welfare provision to increased private arrangements.
Roundtable Men Fighting Stereotypes, which was organized within the conference Gender Equality – What do Men Have to Do with It? Men as fathers, men in care work, men in media representations…