With the “Fathers and Employers in Action” project we introduce the topic of work-life balance of men and the obstacles they encounter in the process. At the foreground of the project we place firstly the meaning and the role of equal fatherhood in family life and secondly the mutual cooperation of the employed fathers, employers and trade unions in development and trial of new work-life balance possibilities which address current needs of the employed fathers.
In contemporary societies family life is distinctly subordinated to work life and increased work related burdens and insecurities make work-life balance of the employed women and men even more difficult.
Along with changes in the sphere of labour, changes have been made also in the field of fatherhood in the past few decades. Today fathers are included in child care to a greater extent than in the past generations. With equal fatherhood and inclusion in family life men strive to overcome traditional gender roles and to achieve a greater equality in partnership, however, in doing this they do not always receive support from the society.
In the sphere of paid work there are still some unexploited possibilities available that could, for instance, introduce measures for work – life balance. Companies introducing work-life balance measures have some direct and some indirect benefits.
Therefore mutual cooperation between employed fathers, trade unions and employers in the process of needs identification and possible measures definition with due consideration given to diversity of work-life balance needs (different forms of employments and workplace positions) is of utmost importance.
About the project
In the beginning of 2015, “Fathers and Employers in Action (ODA)” project financed by Norwegian Financial Mechanism Programme 2009-2014 was launched. Project partnership consists of: the Peace Institute, Faculty of Social Sciences (University of Ljubljana), the Association of Free Trade Unions of Slovenia, Nicha LLC and Norwegian partner Reform – Resource Centre for Men.
Project objectives
Enhanced awareness about gender equality in Slovenia
Defeminisation of work-life balance
Acknowledgement and inclusion of needs diversity in work-life balance processes
Target groups
Employed fathers
General public
Who we are
Peace Institute
Živa Humer, PhD
Project leader
Majda Hrženjak, PhD
Mojca Frelih, MA
Iztok Šori, PhD
Franja Arlič, MA
Finance Officer
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Social Sciences
Aleksandra Kanjuo Mrčela, PhD
Coordinator at FSS
Janez Štebe, PhD
Janja Vuga, PhD
The Association of Free Trade Unions of Slovenia
Andreja Poje, MA
Coordinator at AFTUS
Irena Štamfelj
Nicha LLC
Lidia Pavlin, MA
Coordinator at Nicha LLC
Marjeta Kirn Kljajič, MA
Project Assistant
Reform – resource centre for men
Ole Bredesen Nordfjell
Coordinator at Reform
Daniel Paul Getz
Advisory board
Advisory board is a monitoring body with the mission of offering professional support to the project group, informing interested (professional and general) public about the Fathers and Employers in Action project and its findings. Its membership was formed with a desire to enable inclusion of target groups’ representation and to enhance impact on changes in practice.
(in alphabetical order)
Marko Funkl
Movement for Decent Work and Welfare Societydr. Metka Kuhar
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Social Sciencesdr. Sonja Robnik
Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities
Jože Smole
Association of Employers of Slovenia
Partner organizations
Peace Institute
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Social Sciences
Researchers at the Faculty of Social Studies systematically analyse employment, topics related to the proposed project including the reconciliation of professional and family life. In the last decade the Faculty collaborated in the following international research projects related to reconciliation of professional and family life:
Changing Labour Markets, Welfare Policies and Citizenship, COST A 13- WG on Gender issues (1999-2003)
Gender, Parenthood and the Changing European Workplace, 5th Framework Programme of the European Union (2003-2005)
Gender, Work and Employment in Ten Candidate Countries of Central and Eastern Europe, European Foundation (2003-2004)
Young mothers/families friendly employment – Equal programme, ESS (2004-2006)
Parents between work and family, Equal Opportunities Office of the Republic of Slovenia (2004-2005)
Reconciling work and welfare in Europe (RECWOWE), FP6, Network of Excellence. Strand: Family, work and welfare regimes (2006-2011). Among many publications resulting from this project in which researchers from FSS were co-authors is a new book Work Life Balance (Oxford University Press, 2014) edited by the world known researcher on fatherhood, prof. Barbara Hobson.
Association of Free Trade Unions of Slovenia
ZSSS is more intensely engaged with the topics related to equal opportunities form men and women via the Committee on Equal Opportunities, led by Mag. Andrew Poje. The Committee is focused on finding ways to provide equal opportunities in the context of work for both genders. Efforts are also held at various negotiations, when the representatives of the Trade Unions advocate for the rights of women’s employees. The activities in the field of equal opportunities were comprehensively addressed in the project “Gender pay gap – from expertise to action”, funded by European Commission in 2013.
Nicha LLC
Reform – resource centre for men
Reforms objectives are threefold: (1)To improve and develop knowledge about boys and men. (2) To promote male perspectives in the media and in the general public – related to gender equality. (3) To help men on the local level through several services.
Reform is providing diverse set of activities: Political and societal advocacy in press and media, Government contact, Individual counselling service, Anger management groups, Legal advisory service, Men’s helpline, Publications, Seminars and Lectures.
Reform has many experiences in participating in national and European projects (among them):
Equal Partners – Reconsidering the Role of Men in Work and Private Life (2005 – 2006)
FOCUS – Fostering Caring Masculinities (2006-2007)
Papparingen (2009-2010). The objective of the project was to test and map out how to organise groups for fathers of newborn children in Norway. In the project three successful pilot groups were established with aim to raise the fathers’ competence in childrearing and to include them as equal childcares in the families from the start.
Tiltak 33 (2012 – ongoing). The project run courses and trainings about fathers and gender equality. The target groups of the courses are public servants providing services for families with young children.
About the project
At the centre of the project we place equal fatherhood and the meaning and the role of mutual cooperation between employed fathers, employers and trade unions in development and trial of new work-life balance strategies and possibilities which address current needs of the employed fathers.
fathers in leading, managing positions whose workplace position requires long work days, unlimited availability and mobility
fathers in precarious employments, such as self-employed, contractual workers, student workers, i.e. employment forms that are not in the least addressed by traditional work-life balance measures
Project objectives
Promotion of equal inclusion of men and women in family life and child care enables gender equality in all fields of life – in private sphere, on the labour market and in politics.
Promotion of enhanced inclusion of men into the gender equality and work-life balance policies, utilisation of measures and their co-creation – together with employers and trade unions.
Observance of needs diversity – with the emphasis on equal fatherhood of the employed men in leading, managing positions and of youth in precarious forms of employment.
With qualitative and quantitative research and an analysis of situation the project will identify needs and obstacles encountered by employed fathers in work-life balance process, whereby we will focus on two groups of fathers: fathers in leading and managing positions and fathers in precarious employments.
In cooperation with the employed fathers, employers and trade unions we will develop a model of work-life balance measures and carry out a 6-month pilot trial in selected companies. On the basis of conducted research and pilot trial results we will prepare recommendations for policy-makers and foster labour organisations to evaluate existing work-life balance measures and possible introduction of new measures.
Target groups
Employed fathers
Employed fathers in leading and managing positions and fathers in precarious employments represent two diametrically opposite ends of social and economic power and resources:
men in leading, managing positions confront norms of “ideal worker” and long working days with unlimited time availability and geographical mobility as obstacles in work-life balance.
group of fathers in precarious employments is, however, ignored by traditional work-life balance measures. Their insecure and composite forms of work require completely different work-life balance measures.
Quantitative study will include at least 200 employed fathers from all regions of Slovenia. Qualitative study will include 20 employed fathers. Pilot trial will include at least 40 fathers.
Lack of awareness about the meaning of work-life balance for satisfaction and job performance of the employees and the meaning of needed measures for the employed fathers.
Employers from all regions of Slovenia will be invited to cooperate, and at least 10-15 will be included in the project. 4 employers will be included in the pilot trial.
Media and general public
Živa Humer, project leader
Phone: +386 1 234 77 20
Follow our work
Project coordinator
Peace Institute
Institute for Contemporary Social and Political Studies
Metelkova 6, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Phone: +386 1 234 77 20
Fax: +386 1 234 77 22
Email: info@mirovni-institut.si
Project web page has been produced with the financial support of Norwegian Financial Mechanism Programme. The contents of the project web page are the sole responsibility of the Peace Institute and can in no way be taken to reflect the view of the Norwegian Financial Mechanism Programme.