Emotional right-wing populism in Austrian parliamentary debates

Daniel Thiele, Birgit Sauer and Otto Penz presented POPMED results focusing on emotional right-wing populist discourses in Austrian parliamentary debates at two conferences, organized by the European Sociological Association’s Sociology of Emotions Research Network and the Austrian Political Science Association conference, both taking place online on the 27th of November 2020.
The titles of the presentations:
Thiele, D., Sauer, B., & Penz, O. (2020a, November 27). Affecting citizens. Emotional right-wing populist discourses in Austrian parliamentary debates on migration. ESA RN11, 9th Midterm Conference on Emotions, Online.
Thiele, D., Sauer, B., & Penz, O. (2020b, November 27). Affects in right-wing populist discourses: A frame analysis of Austrian parliamentary debates. AuPSA Political Science Day 2020, Online.