Call for Applications to attend a Training of Trainers

The Peace Institute (Ljubljana) published a Call for Applications to attend a Training of Trainers in Ljubljana, titled “Rainbow Families in Europe“.
Due to organisational reasons the date of the training was postponed and will now be held on Friday 7 and Saturday 8 March 2014.
The deadline for submission of applications was extended to 23 December 2013.
Target: legal practitioners (judges, notaries, barristers, organisations such as equality bodies representing victims in courts).
The main goal of the training is to share skills and knowledge to equip individuals and institutions with a solid legal background on protection of rights of rainbow families exercising their right to free movement within the EU member states. Participants at the training event will exchange information, experience and strategies that are instrumental for ensuring the legal protection of rainbow families rights, as well as for the establishment of a Network of Experts.
Please, find attached the Application Pack containing:
– Extended Open Call for Applicants;
– Application Form;
– Endorsement Letter to be signed by the Endorsing Institution;
– Agreement to be signed by the training Organizer, the Participant and the Endorsing Institution.
Attending the training is free of charge. Selected participants, whose costs of attending the training will be covered by the project Rights on the move, commit to hold a training event (conference, workshop, etc.) in their respective EU Member State. A letter by an Endorsing Institution is required to apply. Deadline for the application: Monday, 23 December 2013.
All information is provided in the attached Application Pack.
We are also attaching a document containing some clarifications as a response to frequently asked questions.
Background information: Since the beginning of this year the Peace Institute is a partner to the project “Rights on the Move – Rainbow Families in Europe“, funded by the EU within the Fundamental Rights and Citizenship Programme. The project is coordinated by the University of Trento, Italy.
The project looks at the European protection of the rights of rainbow families moving and residing within the EU. The diversity of regulations about marriage and partnership, access to assisted reproductive technologies and adoption exposes these families to considerable obstacles when moving within the EU. By adopting a child-oriented approach, the project aims to unravel how freedom of movement should be read in compliance with the EU Charter, the European citizenship rights of the child and other international and supranational instruments. More information about the project is available at
We would appreciate if you could circulate information about this call among all the lawyers who might be interested.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Mojca Frelih ( Thank you very much in advance.
ROTM (“Rights on the move”) project team