Video: Integration of refugees in 14 EU countries
30. 6. 2022The video covers both an assessment of integration laws and life experiences with integration.
Right-wing populist affective governing: framing of migration in Austria
8. 6. 2022Journal Patterns of Prejudice has published an article by Daniel Thiele, Birgit Sauer and Otto Penz, three of our...
The Intertwining of the Covid-19 Pandemic with Democracy Backlash: Making Sense of Journalism in Crisis
3. 6. 2022Mojca Pajnik and Majda Hrženjak published the article entitled The Intertwining of the Covid-19 Pandemic with Democracy Backlash: Making...
Third National Report on Slovenia’s implementation of different areas of integration policy for beneficiaries of international protection
27. 5. 2022With regard to the indicators measured, we did not find a systemic improvement in any of the areas.
Training on human rights at international borders
20. 5. 2022Iza Thaler attended Training on human rights at international borders: Human rights principles, monitoring, safety and security, organised by...
Are we an inclusive society?
17. 5. 2022The event is aimed at all those working in the field of integration, whether in state institutions, NGOs or...
Third partners’ meeting of the project “Hate speech in contemporary conceptualisations of nationalism, racism, gender and migration”
12. 5. 2022The main aim of the third meeting was coordinating the research agenda in the framework of thematic research.
Online talk ‘War and peace in Europe’
11. 5. 2022Watch online conversation between Vlasta Jalušič, a political scientist from the Peace Institute in Ljubljana, and the Bulgarian political...