An open appeal for PEACE
7. 3. 2022 | Politics

An open appeal for PEACE
to all the governments around the world,
diplomatic missions,
media outlets in country and abroad.
Concerned about the possible escalation of the war, strongly supporting peaceful solutions, we appeal to all of you leaders of governments and diplomacy of all countries in the world, who have the ability to influence decision-making.
In the days when the whole world is afraid of the spread of war and possible humanitarian catastrophe, it is crucial to stop inciting hatred and saber-rattling, especially by powerful states and alliances.
We have a responsibility to preserve the chance for peace! We have a responsibility to resolve the issue diplomatically.
We call on our governments and the governments and diplomats of all countries of the world to URGENTLY make every effort to stop the unnecessary suffering of innocent civilians, especially the weakest, children, women and the elderly, but also members of military units which we believe found themselves in this insane violence largely by force of circumstance.
We call on our governments and the governments and diplomats of all countries of the world to URGENTLY make every effort to ensure fair negotiations.
Croatia, like other countries in the region, is still collecting data on victims of the previous war. We know the traumas experienced by all those who lost their closest family members. We are still dealing with the long-term devastating consequences of the war on society, citizens, the community and stability in the region. And now we look again at images of blood-soaked cities, destruction, pain and suffering.
The conflict concerns all of us! Every violently interrupted human life in this frantic violence should be seen as the loss of the closest family member! EVERY LIFE IS IMPORTANT.
And so let us not allow hatred and arrogance to prevail! Let us be humane, let us be united in a common and only acceptable goal, and that is PEACE!
LET’S STOP THE WAR before it’s too late!
Winners of awards and recognitions for the promotion of peace, non-violence and human rights ‘Krunoslav Sukić’ (2009 – 2021):
- Božica Ciboci
- Nikola Biliškov
- Nada Glad
- Aleksandra Gligorović
- Melani Ivančević
- Šerif Isaković
- Mladen Majetić
- Veselinka Kastratović
- Katarina Kruhonja, Center for peace Osijek
- Koštana Sipić
- IPeace Institute Ljubljana
- Miroslav Volf
- Islamic gymnasium dr. Ahmet Smajlović Zagreb
- 1. gymnasium Zagreb
- High school Glina
- Ecumenical Women’s Initiative, Omiš
- Delfin Pakrac
- Women in black, Beograd
- Documenta – Center for Dealing with the Past
- Economic and Tourism School in Daruvar