Veronika Bajt, PhD


The complex phenomena of nationalism and racism necessitate, alongside their historical, socio-economic and geopolitical characteristics, analysing also their intertwining and interdependence in the present.
– Veronika Bajt on contemporary nationalism and racism

Veronika Bajt was awarded her Doctor of Philosophy research degree by the University of Bristol (UK) in 2003. She graduated in sociology at the University of Ljubljana in 1998, and has a Master of Arts degree from the Central European University (CEU), Warsaw, Poland. She spent a year lecturing at Masaryk University in Brno (CZ) on a postdoctoral scholarship (2005-2006), and was a lecturer at International University Institute for European Studies (IUIES) in Gorizia (Italy). She has been a researcher at the Peace Institute since 2006, and is working on several international projects.


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